ApplicationObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown if an application object cannot be found (an instance of User, Group or View)
ArraySizeMismatchException |
Thrown when the size of two (or more arrays) does not match, but should
BusinessObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown if you're trying to access to a non existing object
BusinessRuleException |
This exception should be fired if a business rule is matched and as a result, the action can not be executed
ConnectionException |
Wrapper for any possible problem when establishing a connection t the selected backend
DatabaseException |
Thrown when an inconsistency in the database structure is detected
ExecutionException |
An execution exception are throw when a script throw a exception.
InvalidArgumentException |
Wrapper for IllegalArgumentException to permit to set the severity
InventoryException |
Root class for all custom exceptions in this package
MetadataObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown if a metadata object cannot be found (an instance of ClassMetadata, AttributeMatadata, InterfaceMetadata or categoryMetadata)
NoCommercialModuleFoundException |
Raised when a commercial module can not be found
NotAuthorizedException |
Raised when an user is not allowed to perform an operation
OperationNotPermittedException |
Thrown when a certain operation can't be performed because a system restriction or illegal state
ScriptNotCompiledException |
Filters and Validators work with Groovy scripts that are instantiated, and
precompile this exception is thrown if something happens if the instance
cannot be created by reflection
UnsupportedPropertyException |
Thrown when a certain property (usually an attribute of an application or inventory object) is not known or currently supported.
WrongMappingException |
This exception is raised when a pair attribute type - attribute value is not valid