Class DynamicSectionFunction

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    AlphabeticLowercaseSequence, FunctionValue, MirrorPortsFunction, MirrorSplicePortsFunction, NumericSequence

    public abstract class DynamicSectionFunction
    extends Object
    An Abstract class used to define the method to get the possible values of the current function A dynamic section are a word between a left square bracket "[" and a right square bracket "]" the content in the brackets are a function, use to define a Dynamic Name see DynamicName
    Johny Andres Ortega Ruiz <>
    • Constructor Detail

      • DynamicSectionFunction

        public DynamicSectionFunction​(String functionPattern,
                                      String dynamicSection)
                               throws InvalidArgumentException
        functionPattern - Regular expression used to verify if the entry dynamic section has the syntax correct for the current function.
        dynamicSection - A dynamic section are a word between a left square bracket "[" and a right square bracket "]".
        InvalidArgumentException - If the given dynamic section do not match with the given pattern
    • Method Detail

      • getPossibleValues

        public abstract List<String> getPossibleValues()
        Gets possible values generated with the defined function inside the Dynamic section
        A list of possible values generated using the current function