Class PoolProvider

  • public class PoolProvider
    extends Object
    Data provider for inventory object pools that handles loading and accessing data. Extends the PoolProvider class.
    Mauricio Ruiz Beltrán <>
    • Field Detail


        public static final int POOL_TYPE_GENERAL_PURPOSE
        Type of pool general purpose. These pools are not linked to any particular model.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • PoolProvider

        public PoolProvider​(BusinessEntityManager bem,
                            TranslationService ts)
        Constructs a new instance of PoolProvider.
        bem - Reference to the Business Entity Manager.
        ts - Reference to the Translation Service.
    • Method Detail

      • buildDataProvider

        public<InventoryObjectPool,​Void> buildDataProvider​(InventoryObjectPool rootPool,
                                                                                                                           boolean includedSelf)
        Builds a data provider for inventory object pools.
        rootPool - The root pool from which data will be retrieved. If exists.
        includedSelf - Boolean indicating whether the root pool should be included in the retrieved data.
        Built data provider for inventory object pools.
      • getRootPools

        public List<InventoryObjectPool> getRootPools()
        Retrieves the pools that don't have any parent and are normally intended to be managed by the Pool Manager.
        The inventory object pools.