All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AboutUI |
The About Us page.
AbstractAction |
All actions in a module must extend from this class, no matter if the are business, application
or metadata related.
AbstractAction.ModuleActionCallback |
A functional interface callback code to be executed once the action is triggered.
AbstractArtifactRender |
Renderer a process activity artifact.
AbstractAssignedPortsComponent |
Component to contains the assigned ports.
AbstractAuthenticationProvider |
Defines the general behavior of the classes that will authenticate users against
different providers, such an Active Directory or the built-in database.
AbstractCommercialModule |
All third-party commercial modules should inherit from this class.
AbstractConnectivityAction |
Parent class of all connectivity actions.
AbstractConnectivityActionBuilder |
Builds a connectivity action.
AbstractConnectivityActionBuilder.NewLinkActionBuilder |
AbstractConnectivityActionBuilder.NewLinkFromContainerTemplateActionBuilder |
AbstractConnectivityActionBuilder.NewMirrorActionBuilder |
Builds a new mirror action.
AbstractConnectivityActionBuilder.SelectLinkActionBuilder |
AbstractConnectivityVisualAction |
Parent class of all connectivity visual actions.
AbstractDashboard |
The entry point to all modules should implement this interface.
AbstractDashboardWidget |
A small embeddable component that can be inserted into an AbstractDashboard.
AbstractDashboardWidget.ActiveContent |
AbstractDataEntity |
The information from the sync data sources (devices, NMS, third-party databases, etc)
id retrieved and stored in high-level data types to be processed later.
AbstractDataEntity.DATA_TYPE |
AbstractDeleteAction |
Some classes require special procedures to delete their instances (for example, physical connections
might need to release the endpoint ports before deleting the connection itself).
AbstractElement<T> |
POJO wrapper of an XML element in a Form Artifact Definition.
AbstractElementContainer |
A element container is an element which can contain other elements containers
and fields.
AbstractElementField<T> |
A field is a terminal element that contain data
AbstractElementSelector |
Selector field element in a Form Artifact Definition.
AbstractElementUiItem |
AbstractEntityManager |
An entity manager handles the business entities inside the database, that is, performs
queries, creates, relates and deletes objects, etc.
AbstractExplorer<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> |
A component designed to explore a model structures such as relationships, attachments,
containment hierarchy, etc.Subclasses will behave like factories, just like
AbstractExternalService |
An external service is a Third-Party application to be connected.
AbstractFilter |
Abstract class for create query filters
AbstractFilter.Criteria |
AbstractFormatter |
Abstract class to implement different format classes
AbstractFormInstanceCreator |
Create an instance of a Form layout
AbstractFormInstanceLoader |
Abstract class to define the procedure to load a form instance
AbstractFreePortsComponent<T extends AbstractMirrorEditor> |
Component to show the free ports to mirror.
AbstractImageExporter<T> |
Defines the methods for exporting views as image in different formats.
AbstractInventoryExternalService |
AbstractLinkConnectivityAction |
Parent class of connectivity actions that apply to links.
AbstractMessage |
Generic interface for the different types of supported messages
AbstractMiniApplication<D,E> |
This class defines the behavior of all mini applications.
AbstractMirrorEditor |
Component to edit mirrors release.
AbstractMirrorManagerComponent<S extends AbstractFreePortsComponent,U extends AbstractAssignedPortsComponent,V extends AbstractWindowMirrorFreePorts> |
UI to manage single mirror between ports.
AbstractModule |
Defines the behavior of all modules be it commercial, open source or third-party free contributions.
AbstractModule.ModuleType |
AbstractNode<T> |
A node that represents a business domain object from the model.
AbstractNotification |
A feedback message displayed after the execution of an action.
AbstractNotification.NotificationType |
AbstractObjectRelatedViewWidget<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> |
A view widget is composed by a view (a canvas where the graphical elements are drawn) and
a container to the scene that provides tools to interact with the
elements on it (create connections, launch reports, actions, etc).
AbstractOlTileLayerProvider |
Map provider implementation to OpenLayers
AbstractPosition |
Simple root class for all types of SDH positions.
AbstractProperty<T> |
A property in a property sheet.
AbstractPropertySheetField |
AbstractRecipient |
Generic interface for the different types of notification receivers
AbstractRelationshipManagementAction |
Former Relate to.../Release from...
AbstractRelationshipManagementAction.RelationshipCardinality |
Defines the cardinality between inventory objects.
AbstractResourceFactory |
Abstract class that defines the main methods to obtain the URL of different resources such as images, icons etc.
AbstractSender |
Generic interface for the different types of notification senders
AbstractService |
Class implemented by the modules which provide services using Kuwaiba
AbstractSyncProvider |
This class describes the generic behavior of all the synchronization providers.
AbstractUI |
All UIs in Kuwaiba must implement this interface in order to be displayed.
AbstractUiElement<E extends AbstractElement,T> |
UI element used to render the form artifact definition element.
AbstractView<C extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> |
Defines the behavior of views that can be plugged and played such as End to End views.
AbstractViewEdge<E> |
Represents an edge in an AbstractView.
AbstractViewNode<N> |
The super class of all classes used to represent nodes inside views.
AbstractVisualAction<W extends com.vaadin.flow.component.Component> |
A module action has two parts: One is the actual, headless (that is, without
graphical interface or any other mechanism to capture the necessary parameters) Abstract , and
an optional AbstractVisualAction that in the end, will call the backend action.
AbstractVisualAction.VisualActionType |
An enumeration with the possible behaviors of an action, such as opening a window, redirecting to a specific URL or replacing
the current page contents.
AbstractVisualAdvancedAction |
Visual actions that are provided by each module (that is, all those actions that are loaded
dynamically and are defined outside the module Navigation) must extend from this class and be
registered at module startup.
AbstractVisualElementAction |
Actions applicable to form elements.
AbstractVisualInventoryAction |
Actions applicable to inventory objects must inherit from this class.
AbstractWindowMirrorFreePorts |
Window to mirror free ports.
ActionButton |
Custom button, it allow set a toolTip
ActionCompletedListener |
All components interested in being notified once an action is completed should implement this interface.
ActionCompletedListener.ActionCompletedEvent |
This event is generated once a module action is completed.
ActionIcon |
Custom icon, for replace action buttons, it has a preferred size and toolTip;
however, optionally, you can set other icon size
ActionResponse |
Wrapper of possible (since it's possible that an action returns nothing) return values of an action.
ActionResponse.ActionType |
Used the actionCompleted method to know kind of operation was performed in the action and what
should be done in the view; e.g add, remove, hide/show an element, refresh the component, etc
ActivityDefinition |
An activity is an step in a process.
ActivityDefinitionLight |
An activity is an step in a process.
ActivityLogEntry |
Represents an activity log entry
ActivityNode |
Represents an activity in a Process Instance Diagram.
ActivityNode.ClickEvent |
ActivityNode.ClickListener |
ActivityNode.Event<T extends ActivityNode.Listener> |
ActivityNode.Listener |
Actor |
An actor is someone (a person, organizational unit or external agent, like a customer) who is responsible to cary on with an activity.
ActorAuthorizationManager |
Manage the actor authorization to the Process Engine
ActorAuthorizationManagerImpl |
ActorNode |
Represent an actor in a Process Definition/Instance Diagram.
AddIpAddrToFolderAction |
Adds a new IP address to a folder
AddIpAddrToFolderVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
AddIpAddrToSubnetAction |
Adds a new IP address to a subnet
AddIpAddrToSubnetVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
AddObjectSelector |
The TopologyAddObject class provides a UI for searching and adding topological objects.
AddObjectSelector.NewObjectEvent |
Event fired when a new object is added.
AdvancedActionsRegistry |
All inventory-object related actions from all modules must be registered here at module startup.
AdvancedEditorDialog |
Dialog that allows editing for properties that support the advanced editor
AllBuildingsMapWidget |
A map with all GenericPhysicalNode instances with a valid latitude and longitude attribute values.
AlphabeticLowercaseSequence |
Class to get an ascending alphabetic lowercase sequence, given the start and end of the sequence
AlphabeticUppercaseSequence |
Class to get an ascending alphabetic uppercase sequence, given the start and end of the sequence
AnnotatedBusinessObjectLight |
When an object is related to another using a special relationship, the other side of the relationship can be retrieved
using the method BusinessEntityManager.getSpecialAttribute or BusinessEntityManager.getSpecialAttributes.
Application |
Application entry point.
Application.Bootstrap |
ApplicationEntityManager |
This is the entity in charge of manipulating application objects such as users, views, etc
ApplicationEntityManagerImpl |
Application Entity Manager reference implementation
ApplicationEntityManagerRestController |
Set of resources to manage the application entities.
ApplicationEntityManagerRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for Application Entity Manager.
ApplicationLogEntry |
Wrapper of ActivityLogEntry
ApplicationObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown if an application object cannot be found (an instance of User, Group or View)
ArraySizeMismatchException |
Thrown when the size of two (or more arrays) does not match, but should
Artifact |
Every process activity has at least one artifact.
ArtifactDefinition |
Represents the definition of an artifact.
ArtifactDefinition |
Represents an artifact associated to an activity.
ArtifactDefinitionConstants |
ArtifactDefinitionDialog |
Add or update an artifact.
ArtifactDefinitionFunction |
Represents the functions of an artifact.
ArtifactDefinitionType |
Dummy class to be used in the artifact definition type combo box.
ArtifactEditorDialog |
Manage artifacts, add or remove items.
ArtifactWindow |
Window to create or edit an artifact
AssetLevelCorrelatedInformation |
Groups an inventory object and the services (and corresponding services) somehow related to it.
AssignedPortsComponentForMultipleMirrors |
Component to show the assigned ports for multiple mirrors
AssignedPortsComponentForSingleMirrors |
Component to show the assigned ports for single mirror.
AssociateObjectToProxyAction |
Associate the objects to the proxies.
AssociateObjectToProxyVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
AssociateProjectAction |
Associate the projects to the proxies.
AssociateProjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate project action.
AssociateSyncDataSourceToGroupAction |
Creates a relation between sync data source configuration and a sync group.
AssociateSyncDataSourceToGroupVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of configure data source.
AsyncAnalizeDataJob |
AsyncFetchDataJob |
AttachmentArtifactRender |
AttributeMetadata |
Contains the detailed metadata information about a class attribute
AuditTrailExplorer |
Shows audit trail associated to a given object.
AuditTrailLayout |
The definition of the Audit Trail layout.
AuditTrailModule |
The definition of the Audit Trail module.
AuditTrailType |
Dummy class to be used in the audit trail type combo box.
AuditTrailUI |
Main for the Audit Trail module.
AuthenticationException |
Thrown when an authentication process fails.
AuthenticationService |
Provides methods
AvailableContainerLinkPosition |
A class representing a timeslot in a ContainerLink
AvailableTransportLinkPosition |
A class representing a timeslot in a TransportLink
BasicStyleEditor |
Basic property editor for mxGraph components
BasicTree<T extends AbstractNode> |
A tree that extends the features of the Tree Grid and makes use of the Nodes API
BasicTreeNodeIconGenerator |
Implementation that provides the ability to generate small icons for
nodes in trees it generates small icon for object
BGPSynchronizer |
Synchronizer for the BGPTable data
BgpSyncProvider |
This provider sync the BGP info from routers
BmapsProvider |
Map provider implementation for Bing Maps tile data.
BoldLabel |
Custom bold text label
BooleanFilter |
BooleanProperty |
Support for Boolean properties
BridgeDomain |
Entity class that represents a Cisco's bridge domain
BridgeDomainsASR1002Parser |
A parser for the output of the command "sh bridge-domain" in the Cisco ASR1002 router series
BridgeDomainsASR1006Parser |
A parser for the output of the command "sh bridge-domain" in the Cisco ASR1006 router series
BridgeDomainsASR9001Parser |
A parser for the output of the command "sh l2vpn bridge-domain" in the Cisco ASR9001 router series
BridgeDomainsASR920Parser |
A parser for the output of the command "sh bridge-domain" in the Cisco ASR920 router series
BridgeDomainsME3600Parser |
A parser for the output of the command "sh bridge-domain" in the Cisco ME3600 router series
BridgeDomainSyncProvider |
This provider connects to Cisco routers via SSH, retrieves the bridge domain configuration, and creates/updates the relationships between
the bridge domains and the logical/physical
Broadcaster |
BusinessEntityManager |
This is the entity in charge of manipulating business objects
BusinessEntityManagerImpl |
Business entity manager reference implementation (using Neo4J as backend).
BusinessEntityManagerRestController |
This is the entity in charge of manipulating business objects.
BusinessEntityManagerRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for Business Entity Manager.
BusinessObject |
Contains all the attributes (and their values) of an inventory object.
BusinessObjectAuditTrailProvider |
Data provider for activity log entry from a given object.
BusinessObjectChildrenGrid |
Represents a grid of business objects for displaying data in a UI.
BusinessObjectChildrenProvider |
Data provider for business objects that handles loading and accessing data.
BusinessObjectLight |
Contains a business object basic information
BusinessObjectLightGridFilter |
Filter for Grids that contains BusinessObjectLights
BusinessObjectLightList |
This class represents a list of RemoteBusinessObjectLight instances.
BusinessObjectList |
This class represents a list of RemoteBusinessObject.
BusinessObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown if you're trying to access to a non existing object
BusinessObjectProperty |
Property to select a business object.
BusinessObjectProvider |
Abstract business object provider that defines methods for constructing data providers
and accessing cached or id based data.
BusinessObjectResultGrid |
Represents a business object results table that allows you to filter and display data in a UI.
BusinessObjectSelector |
This reusable component allows the consumer to search and select an object from the inventory,
either directly (typing its name), or
BusinessObjectUtil |
Set of methods commonly used by the business objects in views.
BusinessObjectViewEdge |
An edge that represents a business, inventory object.
BusinessObjectViewNode |
A node that represents a business, inventory object.
BusinessRule |
A class representing a business rule.
BusinessRuleConstraint |
The actual logic behind a business rule.
BusinessRuleException |
This exception should be fired if a business rule is matched and as a result, the action can not be executed
ButtonElementUi |
ButtonElementUiItem |
CableNode |
Represents a cable in the mid-span access and splicing view
CacheManager |
Manages the caching strategy
CacheSlot |
A slot cache allows the caching of complex objects
CacheStrategy |
Implementors implement different algorithms to manage the cache
CachingService |
A service that manages the caching strategies.
CellPortSelector |
Cell component to select an object
ChangeDescriptor |
This class is used to summarize a changed made to an object or a set of objects.
ChartSubnetUsage |
Creates a Subnet usage chart
CheckBoxElementUi |
CheckBoxElementUiItem |
CiscoVlansSynchronizer |
Synchronize the VLANs data, creates the VLANs as special children of the
device that is being sync, for every created VLAN it also created
relationships with its interfaces(GeneriPorts)
The OID required, read it from SNMP is vmMembershipTable(
ClassMetadata |
Contains the detailed metadata information about a class
ClassMetadataLight |
Contains the basic meta data information about a class.
ClassMetadataLightCustom |
Decoration for ClassMetadataLight, allow avoid restriction of render same element in a grid or tree
ClassMetadataTreeGrid<T> |
This class extends TreeGrid and is used to display hierarchical data in the form of a tree.
ClassMetadataTreeProvider |
Provider given for class metadata type tree.
ClassNameIconGenerator |
Implementation that provides the ability to generate small icons for kuwaiba objects
ClassNode |
Represents a node in the reports tree.
ClickEvent |
Click Event to add/fire in the Outside Plant View
ClickEvent.ClickEventListener |
ClickEventDispatcher |
Dispatches the click event.
ColorPicker |
ColorProperty |
Support for local-date-type properties
ComboBoxElementUi |
ComboBoxElementUiItem |
CompactQuery |
The store-friendly version of an ExtendedQuery.
ComponentButton |
UI element to render the button element
ComponentCheckBox |
UI element to render the checkBox element
ComponentComboBox |
UI element to render the comboBox element
ComponentDateField |
ComponentFactory |
Creates UI elements in Vaadin
ComponentGrid |
UI element to render the grid element
ComponentGridLayout |
ComponentHorizontalLayout |
ComponentImage |
UI element to render the image element
ComponentLabel |
UI element to render the label element
ComponentListSelectFilter |
ComponentMiniApplication |
ComponentSubform |
UI element to render the subform element.
ComponentTextArea |
UI element to render the textArea element
ComponentTextField |
ComponentUpload |
UI element to render the upload element.
ComponentVerticalLayout |
ConditionalActivityDefinition |
Representation of a BPMN flow object -Exclusive Gateway-
ConditionalArtifactRender |
ConfigurationVariable |
Simple POJO that represents a configuration variable.
ConfigurationVariablesLayout |
General layout for configuration variables module.
ConfigurationVariablesModule |
The definition of the Configuration Manager module.
ConfigurationVariablesUI |
Main for the Configuration Variables Manager module.
ConfirmDialog |
Generic Dialog that provides the capability to confirm specific actions.
ConfirmDialogEditConnections |
Confirm dialog to open the edit connection visual action.
ConnectDistributionFrameVisualAction |
Action to connect inventory objects with the class which is subclasses of
Connection |
A connection is a set of the connection type, connection source
connection target, and action to execute.
ConnectionException |
Wrapper for any possible problem when establishing a connection t the selected backend
ConnectionManager<T> |
Interface providing the general methods to manage the db/backend connection
ConnectionManagerImpl |
ConnectionManager reference implementation using Neo4J as DBMS
ConnectionStrategyFactory |
ConnectionStrategyInterface |
Contains the methods necessary to establish or close a session.
ConnectivityManagerAction |
Action to manage connections.
ConnectivityManagerModule |
Connectivity Manager module definition.
ConnectivityManagerService |
Service to manage the persistence operations in the Connectivity Manager
ConnectivityManagerVisualAction |
Action to manage connections.
ConnectLocationAction |
Action to connect a location.
ConnectLocationVisualAction |
Action to connect inventory objects with the class which is subclasses of
ConnectPortAction |
Action to connect a port.
ConnectPortVisualAction |
Action to connect inventory objects with the class which is subclasses of
ConnectSplicingDeviceVisualAction |
Action to connect inventory objects with the class which is subclasses of
Constants |
Contains some values that are used in a form definition, like tags,
attributes, functions, styles
Constants |
Contains some values that are used in a form definition, like tags,
attributes, functions, styles
Constants |
Misc constants
Contact |
Represents a contact in the inventory address book.
ContactManagerLayout |
The definition of the Contact Manager Layout
ContactManagerModule |
The definition of the Contact Manager module.
ContactManagerUI |
Main for the Contact Manager module.
ContactResourcesDialog |
Visual wrapper to manage contact resources.
ContactRestController |
The definition of the Contact Rest Controller.
ContactRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for contact manager.
ContainmentManagerLayout |
Containment manager layout, display main page in two vertical segments,
allows drag and drop elements.
ContainmentManagerModule |
Manage pre-defined, reusable containment structures.
ContainmentManagerUI |
Main UI for containment manager module, initialize all display elements and business logic.
ContractManagerLayout |
The definition of the Contract Manager layout.
ContractManagerModule |
The definition of the Contract Manager module.
ContractManagerService |
The service that provides the actual functionality exposed by this module.
ContractManagerUI |
Main for the Contract Manager module.
ContractRestController |
Contract Manager Rest Controller.
ContractRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for contract manager.
CopyBusinessObjectAction |
Copies a business object to another business object.
CopyBusinessObjectToPoolAction |
Creates a copy of a business object
CopyBusinessObjectToPoolVisualAction |
UI of copy business object to pool action.
CopyBusinessObjectVisualAction |
UI of copy business object action.
CopyContractToPoolAction |
Creates copy of a contract.
CopyContractToPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of copy contract to pool action.
CopyObjectToWarehouseAction |
Copies an object in a spare pool.
CopyObjectToWarehouseVisualAction |
UI of copy object to spare pool action.
CopyProjectToPoolAction |
Creates copy of a project
CopyProjectToPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of copy project to pool action.
CopyProxyToPoolAction |
Creates copy of a proxy
CopyProxyToPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of copy proxy to pool action.
CopySpecialBusinessObjectAction |
Copy as special a business object to another business object.
CopySpecialBusinessObjectVisualAction |
CoreActionsRegistry |
All general purpose, inventory object-dependent actions (e.g.
CreateQueryAction |
Save the given query
CreateQueryVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new query
CronDefinition |
CronDefinition.CronOptions |
Class to build cron options
CronProperty |
Support for Cron expression properties
CronSelector |
This component allows the consumer to choose and select options to update the cronExpression of desired job
CronSelector.CronResultEvent |
CSVFormatter |
Implements the logic necessary to export to CSV
CustomerDashboard |
CustomSpan |
A custom span to draw the parents bread crumbs and keeps a record of
the object parent to allow navigation when it is selected
CypherParser |
Cypher parser
CypherQueryBuilder |
Creates cypher Query
DatabaseException |
Thrown when an inconsistency in the database structure is detected
DataGridParser |
Transforms the given list of Objects into a new matrix object
DataModelManagerLayout |
The standard layout to be applied in this module.
DataModelManagerModule |
The definition of the Data Model Manager module
DataModelManagerUI |
Main for the Data Model manager module.
DataModelNode |
Represents a node in the data model manager tree.
DataSourceComponent |
Represents a visual component of a data source
DataTable |
A data table is a matrix used represent the data set to be consumed by a chart.
DataTable.DataType |
Enum of the possible data types support by the cells
DateFilter |
DateProperty |
Support for date-type properties
DefaultAuthenticationProvider |
Authenticates users using the built-in database.
DefaultDeleteBusinessObjectAction |
Default action to delete a business object.
DefaultDeleteBusinessObjectVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a business object
DeleteAttributeAction |
Delete a Class Attribute
DeleteAttributeVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete attribute action.
DeleteBridgeDomainAction |
Delete a bridge domain.
DeleteBridgeDomainVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete bridge domain action.
DeleteClassAction |
Delete a class
DeleteClassVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete class action.
DeleteConfigurationVariableAction |
Delete a Configuration Variable.
DeleteConfigurationVariablesPoolAction |
Delete a Configuration Variables Pool.
DeleteConfigurationVariablesPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete configuration variables pool action.
DeleteConfigurationVariableVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete configuration variable action.
DeleteContactAction |
Delete a contact.
DeleteContactVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete contact action.
DeleteContractAction |
Deletes a Contract
DeleteContractsPoolAction |
Deletes a Contracts Pool.
DeleteContractsPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete contracts pool action.
DeleteContractVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete contract action.
DeleteCustomerAction |
Deletes a customer.
DeleteCustomerPoolAction |
Deletes a customer pool.
DeleteCustomerPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete costumer pool action.
DeleteCustomerVisualAction |
Frontend to the delete customer action.
DeleteElementAction |
Delete the form elements.
DeleteElementVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete element action.
DeleteFavoriteAction |
Delete a favorite folder.
DeleteFavoriteVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete favorite action.
DeleteFilterDefinitionAction |
Delete a Filter definition
DeleteFilterDefinitionVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete filter definition action
DeleteFolderAction |
Deletes a subnet's folder
DeleteFolderVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a folder in ipam module
DeleteGroupAction |
Delete an users group.
DeleteGroupVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a group action.
DeleteIpAddrFromFolderAction |
Removes an ip addresses from a subnet
DeleteIpAddrFromFolderVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
DeleteLayoutViewAction |
Deletes a Layout view
DeleteLayoutViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete layout view action
DeleteLicenseAction |
Deletes a license.
DeleteLicensePoolAction |
Deletes a license pool.
DeleteLicensePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete license pool action.
DeleteLicenseVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete license action.
DeleteListTypeItemAction |
Delete a List Type item.
DeleteListTypeItemVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete list type item action
DeleteMplsConnectionAction |
Action to delete a Mpls connection.
DeleteMplsConnectionVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a physical connection.
DeleteMplsViewAction |
Deletes a MPLS view
DeleteMplsViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete MPLS view action
DeleteParameterAction |
Delete a report parameter
DeleteParameterVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a report parameter .
DeletePhysicalContainerAction |
Action to delete a physical container.
DeletePhysicalContainerVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a physical container.
DeletePhysicalLinkAction |
Action to delete a physical link.
DeletePhysicalLinkVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a physical link.
DeletePoolAction |
Deletes a pool
DeletePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete pool action
DeleteProjectAction |
Delete a Project.
DeleteProjectActivityAction |
Delete an Activity.
DeleteProjectActivityVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete activity action.
DeleteProjectsPoolAction |
Delete a Projects Pool.
DeleteProjectsPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete projects pool action.
DeleteProjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete project action.
DeleteProxiesPoolAction |
Delete a proxies pool.
DeleteProxiesPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete proxies pool action.
DeleteProxyAction |
Delete a proxy.
DeleteProxyVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete proxy action.
DeleteReportAction |
Delete a report of any type
DeleteReportVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete report action
DeleteScheduleJobAction |
Delete a schedule Job.
DeleteScheduleJobPoolAction |
Delete a Schedule Job Pool.
DeleteScheduleJobPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete schedule job pool action.
DeleteScheduleJobVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete job action
DeleteScriptAction |
Deletes a scripted query
DeleteScriptedQueryPoolAction |
Delete a scripted query pool
DeleteScriptedQueryPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a script pool.
DeleteScriptVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a scripted query.
DeleteSdhContainerLinkAction |
Action to delete a Sdh container link.
DeleteSdhContainerLinkVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a Sdh container link.
DeleteSdhTransportLinkAction |
Action to delete a Sdh transport link.
DeleteSdhTransportLinkVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a Sdh transport link.
DeleteSdhTributaryLinkAction |
Action to delete a Sdh tributary link.
DeleteSdhTributaryLinkVisualAction |
Visual action to delete a Sdh tributary link.
DeleteSdhViewAction |
Deletes a SDH view
DeleteSdhViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete SDH view action
DeleteServiceAction |
Deletes a service.
DeleteServicePoolAction |
Deletes a service pool.
DeleteServicePoolVisualAction |
Frontend to the delete service pool action.
DeleteServiceVisualAction |
Frontend to the delete service action.
DeleteSparePoolAction |
Delete a Spare Pool
DeleteSparePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete spare pool action.
DeleteSubnetAction |
Deletes a subnet.
DeleteSubnetVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a subnet.
DeleteSyncDataSourceConfigurationAction |
Delete a Sync Data Source Configuration
DeleteSyncDataSourceConfigurationVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete Synchronization Data Source Configuration action.
DeleteSynchronizationGroupAction |
Delete a Sync Group
DeleteSynchronizationGroupVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete Synchronization Group action.
DeleteTaskAction |
Delete a task
DeleteTaskParameterAction |
Delete a task parameter
DeleteTaskParameterVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a task parameter action.
DeleteTaskUserAction |
Unsubscribe a task user
DeleteTaskUserVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of unsubscribe a task user action.
DeleteTaskVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete task action
DeleteTemplateAction |
Deletes a template.
DeleteTemplateDataSourceAction |
Delete a data source template
DeleteTemplateDataSourceVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a data source template
DeleteTemplateItemAction |
Deletes a template item
DeleteTemplateItemVisualAction |
Deletes a template item from a template.
DeleteTemplateSubItemAction |
Deletes a template item.
DeleteTemplateSubItemVisualAction |
Deletes a template item in a template.
DeleteTemplateVisualAction |
Deletes a template.
DeleteTopologyViewAction |
Deletes a Topology view
DeleteTopologyViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete Topology view action
DeleteUserAction |
Delete a user and its privileges.
DeleteUserVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete a user.
DeleteValidatorDefinitionAction |
Delete a validator definition
DeleteValidatorDefinitionVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete validator definition action
DeleteWarehouseAction |
Delete a Warehouse
DeleteWarehouseVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of delete warehouse action.
DetachFileAction |
Detaches a file from an inventory object and deletes it from the file system.
DetailedJob |
Class to represent a synchronization job
DetailedNotification |
A modal notification intended to be used to show the details in the notification itself,
instead of providing a link to another window.
DeviceNode |
Shows in a box the ports in a device.
DeviceSelectorWindow |
Window to select a Device or Viewable Object.
DiagramUtil |
Set of functions to get information of process instance
DialogIpamSearch |
Dynamic dialog that shows the search results while the user is typing in the search box.
DialogNavigationSearch |
Dynamic dialog that shows the search results while the user is typing in the search box.
DialogOspViews |
Shows a list of all the Outside Plant Views available
DialogOspViewSearch |
Dialog to search between the nodes and edges in the outside plant view
DialogServiceManagerSearch |
Dynamic dialog that shows the search results while the user is typing in the
search box.
DialogSoftwareManagerSearch |
Dynamic dialog that shows the search results while the user is typing in the search box.
DistributionFramePortSummaryVisualAction |
Widget that shows the port summary for an inventory object.
DivIpAddr |
A graphical square used to contains numbers used in IPAM to show al the
numbers of the last segment, design to be used also with evlans/cvlans
DoubleProperty |
Support for Double properties
DoubleToLongConverter |
DrawGChartFunction |
JavaScript function to draw a specified type of chart
DumbSyncProvider |
This provider connects to Cisco routers via SSH, retrieves the bridge domain configuration, and creates/updates the relationships between
the bridge domains and the logical/physical
DynamicNameGenerator |
Class to get a set of dynamic names given a expression to build a name
DynamicSectionFunction |
An Abstract class used to define the method to get the possible values of the current function
A dynamic section are a word between a left square bracket "[" and a right square bracket "]"
the content in the brackets are a function, use to define a Dynamic Name see DynamicName
DynamicSectionFunctionFactory |
Factory to dynamic name functions
E2EEdge |
Represents an edge in an end to end view
E2ENode |
Represents a obj in the end to end view
E2EViewProvider |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to manage QinQ technology
EActionParameter |
Common properties used by visual actions as mandatory properties, and some database relationships or node names.
EAsyncStep |
EContainmentOption |
Options display in combo box used in main containment manager UI.
EdgeHelper |
Helper to draw a edge.
EditConnectionsAction |
Action to edit connections
EditConnectionsVisualAction |
Widget that allows editing connection end points
EJobState |
ElementActionsRegistry |
All actions related to form elements.
ElementButton |
POJO wrapper of a button element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementCheckBox |
A POJO wrapper of a checkBox element in a Form Definition
ElementColumn |
ElementComboBox |
POJO wrapper of a comboBox element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementDateField |
POJO wrapper of a dateField element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementEventListener |
Listens to the event fire by an element
ElementForm |
ElementGrid |
POJO wrapper of a grid element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementGridLayout |
POJO wrapper of a gridLayout element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementHorizontalLayout |
POJO wrapper of a horizontalLayout element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementI18N |
ElementImage |
POJO wrapper of a image element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementLabel |
POJO wrapper of a label element in a Form Artifact Definition
ElementListSelectFilter |
POJO wrapper of a listSelectFilter element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementMiniApplication |
POJO to represent tag miniApplication, a mini application extends functionalities
not supported by the process engine directly for example make connections
ElementOptionsPanel |
A side panel composed by set of sections with detailed information and options on an element.
ElementPropertyEditorDialog |
Create or edit a property value and manage artifact functions.
ElementPropertyFactory |
ElementPropertyType |
ElementScript |
POJO wrapper of a script element in a Form Artifact Definition and
external scripts.
ElementSubform |
POJO wrapper of a subform element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementTextArea |
POJO wrapper of a textArea element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementTextField |
POJO wrapper of a textField element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementTree |
ElementUi |
ElementUpload |
POJO wrapper of a upload element in a Form Artifact Definition.
ElementVerticalLayout |
POJO wrapper of a verticalLayout element in a Form Artifact Definition.
EmailConnectionStrategy |
Implement the via connection strategy for e-mail notifications.
EmailMessage |
Implements the type of message to send notifications by e-mail.
EmailNotificationStrategy |
Implementation of e-mail notification system
EmailRecipient |
Define the attributes of email notification recipients
EmailSender |
Define the attributes of email notification sender
EmptyWideWidget |
A simple widget that displays a custom message and stretches horizontally.
EntPhysicalSynchronizer |
ErrorUI |
The default error page.
ESyncParameters |
ESyncResultState |
Representing all allowed synchronization states
EventDescriptor<T> |
EventDispatcher |
Dispatch event
ExecuteJob |
Class that representing a scheduled job
ExecutionException |
An execution exception are throw when a script throws an exception, for example, due to
a syntax error.
ExplorerRegistry |
The registry where explorers provided by different modules are registered so the can
be dynamically added to contextual menus
ExtendedQuery |
Represents a complex query to be executed.
ExternalServiceProvider |
An external service provider is a third-party application to which we connect
to use their services.
ExternalServicesProvider |
FavoritesAction |
Action to manage favorites.
FavoritesFolder |
A POJO representation of a category in a list of favorites.
FavoritesManagerNode |
Represents a node in the folder items tree.
FavoritesModule |
Favorites module definition.
FavoritesRestController |
The definition of the Favorites Rest Controller.
FavoritesRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for favorites.
FavoritesVisualAction |
Action to manage favorites.
FeatureEdge |
A edge wrapper to features with geometry of type LineString
FeatureNode |
A node wrapper to features with geometry of type point.
FiberEdge |
Wrap a fiber as a MxEdge
FiberNode |
Represents a fiber in the mid-span access and splicing view
FiberSplitterView |
View for graphic visualization of fiber splitter equipment
FiberSplitterViewWidget |
FiberSplitterViewWindow |
FileInformation |
FileObject |
This is the basic metadata about a file attached to an inventory object, plus the actual object
FileObjectLight |
This is the basic metadata about a file attached to an inventory object
Filter |
A filter is a query that, given a set of input parameters, returns a list of inventory assets.
Filter<T> |
Functional interface intended to be used to create filters that will retrieve
data to be placed in the page after a search result or a static filter.
FilterDefinition |
A filter definition holds the metadata of a filter, a name, a description, if is enabled or not and the class of objects to which it will be applied
finally it includes the filter itself.
FilterDefinitionLayout |
General layout for filters module.
FilterDefinitionModule |
The definition of the filter Definition module.
FilterDefinitionNode |
Represents a filter definition in the node.
FilteredBusinessObjectChildrenProvider |
Data provider for filtered business objects that handles loading and accessing data.
FilteredObjectChildrenProvider |
Custom provider for filter definition that extends of InventoryObjectNodeTreeProvider.
FiltersDefinitionUI |
Main for the filters definition module.
FiltersRestController |
Filters Rest Controller.
FiltersRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for filters.
FloatMenu |
FormArtifactPrinter |
Class to manage printable form artifacts.
FormArtifactRender |
Renders a Form Artifact Definition and loads artifact data
FormatedBusinessObjectDiv |
A Div that takes a BusinessObjectLight instance and processes its validators
to generate a formatted enclosure that can be used in graphical representations of objects
e.g display a custom color, background, text format of the IP addresses graphical map in ipam module
FormattedObjectDisplayNameSpan |
Simple Span that takes a BusinessObjectLight instance and processes its validators
to generate a formatted enclosure that can be used in trees, titles, views, or in general anywhere where
the display name of an object must be shown.
FormDefinitionLoader |
This class reads an structure xml and create the form elements containment
FormInstanceCreator |
Class to build the form instance content
FormInstanceLoader |
FormNotification |
FormRender |
FormStructure |
FreePortsComponentForMultipleMirrors |
Component to show the free ports for multiple mirrors
FreePortsComponentForSingleMirrors |
Component to show the free ports for single mirrors
FunctionI18NRunner |
FunctionRunner |
FunctionRunnerException |
FunctionValue |
A dynamic section function used to get an attribute value from an object
given the object id.
GChartsFactory |
Factory to create charts
GChartsFactory.ChartType |
Enum of the available type of charts
GenericCommercialModule |
All third-party commercial modules should implement this interface
GenericCommercialModule.ModuleType |
GenericConnectionDefinition |
Instances of this class represent the details of a logical connection and the physical resources associated to the endpoints of such connection.
GenericNetworkElmenetFilter |
GenericObjectList |
This class represents a list type attribute (packing many list items) (people in charge of an equipment, antenna types, etc)
GenericRouterParser |
A parser for the output of the command "sh bridge-domain" in the Cisco ME3600 router series
GeoCoordinate |
A simple wrapper for a pair latitude-longitude.
GeoPoint |
A point on a two-dimensional plane
GoogleMapEdge |
An edge wrapper to Google Map Polyline
GoogleMapNode |
A node wrapper to Google Map Marker
GoogleMapsEdgeSelectionManager |
Selection manager to edges in Google Map
GoogleMapsHeatmapLayer |
Represents a heatmap on the Google Maps map provider.
GoogleMapsMapProvider |
Map implementation to Google Maps
GoogleMapsNodeSelectionManager |
Selection manager to nodes in Google Map.
GoogleMapsOverlayView |
Represents a overlay view on the Google Maps map provider.
GridElementUi |
GridElementUiItem |
GridExporter |
Manages data grid export to different formats
GridFolders |
A custom Grid to show the folders in ipam module
GridIpAddresses |
Creates a grid of ip addresses of a given parent, a subnet or a folder
GridLayout |
Grid Layout Component use the CSS Grid Layout to align elements into columns
and rows.
GridLayout.Alignment |
GridSubnets |
Creates a subnet grid details
GroupInfo |
Wrapper for entity class UserGroup
GroupInfoLight |
Wrapper for entity class GroupProfile.
GroupNode |
Represents a root node in the main tree.
GroupProfile |
A group of users
GroupProfileLight |
Simplified version of a group of users.
GUIFormNotification |
Heatmap |
Represents a heatmap on the map provider.
HistorycEntry |
Represents an entry registering an event related to an object.
HomeUI |
The home page.
HopDefinition |
A class defining a hop in a possible route for a virtual circuit
HorizontalLayoutElementUi |
HorizontalLayoutElementUiItem |
A simple br line break.
HTMLColumn |
A simple HTML table cell (td ).
HTMLColumnHeader |
A simple HTML th tag.
HTMLComponent |
The root of all HTML components.
A simple HTML div tag.
A simple HTML h1, h2, h3, ...
HTMLImage |
An HTML image tag
HTMLMessage |
A simple formated span tag.
HTMLPlainJQueryScript |
HTMLReport |
Useful methods to build HTML reports.
A simple HTML table row (tr )
HTMLTable |
A simple HTML table.
I18N |
I18nListener |
Implementers will be able to listen to changes in the web interface current language.
I18nManagerService |
Manages the changes in the web interface language requested by the user.
IconDefaultService |
A Service class that builds and/or caches default icons.
IconGenerator<T> |
Abstract class for generated icons for an item
IconLabelCellGrid |
Represents a cell in a Grid that contains an icon and a label
to show a businessObjectLigth or a ClassMetadata.
IconLabelCellGrid |
Represents a cell in a Grid that contains an icon and a label.
IconLabelCellGrid |
Represents a cell in a Grid that contains an icon and a label
to show a businessObjectLigth or a inventoryObjectPool.
IconNameCellGrid |
Represents a cell in a Grid that contains an icon and a label
to show a businessObjectLigth or a ClassMetadata.
IconRelationshipCellGrid |
Represents a cell in a Grid that contains an icon and a label
to show a relationship.
ImpactAnalysisModule |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to the MPLS module
ImpactAnalysisService |
IntegerProperty |
Support for Integer properties
InvalidArgumentException |
Wrapper for IllegalArgumentException to permit to set the severity
InventoryException |
Root class for all custom exceptions in this package
InventoryObjectNode |
Represents a Node in the Navigation module's TreeGrid.
InventoryObjectNodeTreeGrid<T extends InventoryObjectNode> |
This class extends TreeGrid and is used to display hierarchical data in the form of a tree.
InventoryObjectNodeTreeProvider |
Provider given for inventory object node type navigation tree.
InventoryObjectPool |
A POJO representation of a pool.
InventoryProxy |
Inventory proxies are used to integrate third party-applications with Kuwaiba.
InventoryReport |
All report types must inherit from this abstract class.
IPAddressesSyncProvider |
This provider finds IP address and relates them to physical interfaces, organizing them in subnets
IpamEngine |
Make all the validations an calculate the possible subnets for IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses
IpamExplorerRow |
Represents a row in the parent containment graphical display in the ipam
IpamLayout |
Default layout for the ipam-related modules.
IpamModule |
IP address manager module definition.
IpamNode |
A node used in the Tree Grid of the IPAM module
IpamSelectedItem |
Represents a selected item in the ipam
IpamService |
The logic behind the IPAM module.
IpamUI |
Main entry point for IP Address manager module
IPSynchronizer |
Synchronizer for the ipAddrTable data
JavaScriptFunction |
Wrapper to a JavaScrip Function.
JobExecutionListener |
Class used to subscribe to ExecuteJob status changes to update the user interface
JobProgressMessage |
Represent job messages
JobService |
The service creates asynchronous jobs to obtain and deliver information about a synchronization process.
Kpi |
Key Performance Indicator definition to Processes or Activities
KpiAction |
Key Performance Indicator Action definition to Processes or Activities
KpiManagerService |
Set of methods to manage and execute KPIs in the process definitions and the process instances
KpiResult |
KuwaibaSoapWebService |
The principal northbound interface.
KuwaibaSoapWebServiceImpl |
SOAP-based web service implementation.
LabelElementUi |
LabelElementUiItem |
Language |
A simple model class that represents a language that can be picked to be used in the
presentation layer.
LaunchClassLevelReportAction |
Shows the class level report of the given business Object
LayoutEditorDashboard |
Layout editor Main Dashboard.
LayoutEditorLayout |
The general layout to be used in the Layout Editor module.
LayoutEditorManagerUI |
Main for the Layout editor module.
LayoutEditorModule |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to the Layout Editor module
LayoutEditorSearch |
Custom search component for the layout editor
LayoutRestController |
Layout Editor Rest Controller.
LayoutRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for layout editor.
LdapAuthenticationProvider |
Provides LDAP authentication and deals with the authorization using local tokens
LicenseManagerDialog |
Dialog to manage licenses.
LicenseManagerVisualAction |
Dialog to manage licenses.
ListTypeFilter |
ListTypeItemProvider |
Data provider for items from a given list type.
ListTypeItemUsesProvider |
Data provider for uses from a given list type item.
ListTypeManagerLayout |
The standard layout to be applied in this module.
ListTypeManagerModule |
The definition of the List Types Manager module
ListTypeManagerUI |
Main for the List type manager module.
ListTypeRestController |
List Type Manager Rest Controller.
ListTypeRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for list type manager.
LocalDateProperty |
Support for local-date-type properties
LocalDateTimeProperty |
Support for local-date-time type properties
LocationFilter |
A filter used to retrieve Inventory objects by location
LoggerType |
Contains the allowed log levels for message logging.
LoggingService |
Contains the methods used for logging.
LoggingServiceImpl |
Implements the methods that allow logging messages.
LogHandler |
Custom logger that appends the prefix [KUWAIBA] tag to Kuwaiba-generated messages.
LoginUI |
Login form.
LongProperty |
Support for Long properties
ManageAttachmentsAction |
Detaches a file from an inventory object and deletes it from the file system.
ManageAttachmentsVisualAction |
UI of Manage Attachments
ManagedJob<T> |
Defines methods to update the progress and state of a Kuwaiba job,
so it can be managed by the Threading Service.
ManagedJobDescriptor |
A class containing metadata information about a job, such as its creation/end
ManagePortMirroringAction |
Action to manage port mirroring
ManagePortMirroringVisualAction |
Action to get a window to manage port mirroring
ManageSpecialRelationshipsAction |
Manage special relationships.
ManageSpecialRelationshipsVisualAction |
UI of manage special relationship.
MandatoryAttributesLayout |
Creates a form layout with the mandatory attributes for new object
MapEdge |
Edge to add in the Outside Plant View.
MapNode |
Node to add in the Outside Plant View.
MapOverlayView |
Represents a overlay view on the map
MapProvider |
Operations to implement a map in the Outside Plant module.
MapProvider.IdleEvent |
Callback executed when idle.
MapProvider.IdleEvent.IdleEventListener |
Consumer accepted on idle event.
MapProvider.MouseMoveEvent |
Map mouse move event.
MapProvider.MouseMoveEvent.MouseMoveEventListener |
Consumer accepted on mouse move event.
MapProvider.RightClickEvent |
Map right click event.
MapProvider.RightClickEvent.RightClickEventListener |
Consumer accepted on right click event.
MapProvider.ZoomChangedEvent |
Map zoom change event
MapProvider.ZoomChangedEvent.ZoomChangedEventListener |
Consumer accepted on zoom changed event.
MapSelectionManager<T> |
Collection of methods to manage the selection in the map.
MapSelectionManager.EdgeSelectionManager |
Collection of methods to manage the selection of the edges in the map.
MapSelectionManager.NodeSelectionManager |
Collection of methods to manage the selection of the nodes in the map.
MenuButton<T> |
Button that displays a menu below when clicked.
MenuLayout |
MetadataEntityManager |
Manages the metadata entities of the data model, such as classes and attributes.
MetadataEntityManagerImpl |
MetadataEntityManager implementation for Neo4j.
MetadataEntityManagerRestController |
Manages the metadata entities of the data model, such as classes and attributes.
MetadataEntityManagerRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for Metadata Entity Manager.
MetadataObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown if a metadata object cannot be found (an instance of ClassMetadata, AttributeMatadata, InterfaceMetadata or categoryMetadata)
MethodsGroup |
Represents the privileges associated to a user
MimeTypes |
Common MIME types used chiefly when generating reports or presenting attachments for download.
MiniAppDetachedTest |
Simple detached mini application.
MiniAppEmbeddedTest |
Simple embedded mini application.
MiniApplicationEventListener |
A listener to be implemented by those using mini applications.
MiniApplicationEventListener.MiniApplicationEvent |
The different types of mini application events
MirroringAntennaVisualAction |
Action to do mirroring in antennas.
MirroringDistributionFrameVisualAction |
Action to do mirroring in distribution frames.
MirroringSplicingDeviceVisualAction |
Action to do mirroring in splicing devices.
MirrorPortsFunction |
Implements the mirror(a, b) function, that generates pairs of
ports numbered from a to b .
MirrorSplicePortsFunction |
Implements the mirror-splice(a, b) function, that generates
pairs of ports numbered from a to b .
ModifyEndEventDispatcher |
Dispatches the modify end event.
ModuleActionException |
Thrown if the execution of a module action causes an unexpected managed error.
ModuleActionGroup |
An action group is typically used in menus.
ModuleActionParameter<T> |
Each module action has an optional set of parameters (for example, creating a new inventory
object requires the parent of the new object, its type and optionally a list of default values to be
ModuleActionParameterSet |
A convenience class to better handle a group of parameters to be provided to a
module action.
ModuleLayout |
The super class of all flex layouts used in every module of the application.
ModuleRegistry |
All modules (core, optional and commercial) must be registered here at startup.
MoveBusinessObjectAction |
Moves a business object to another business object.
MoveBusinessObjectToPoolAction |
Move a business object from a pool to another pool
MoveBusinessObjectToPoolVisualAction |
UI of move business object to pool action.
MoveBusinessObjectVisualAction |
UI of move business object action.
MoveContractToPoolAction |
Moves a contract from a pool to another pool.
MoveContractToPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of move contract to pool action.
MoveObjectToWarehouseAction |
Moves an object to a spare pool.
MoveObjectToWarehouseVisualAction |
UI of move object to spare pool action.
MoveProjectToPoolAction |
Moves a project from a pool to another pool.
MoveProjectToPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of move project to pool action.
MoveProxyToPoolAction |
Moves a proxy from a pool to another pool
MoveProxyToPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of move proxy to pool action.
MoveSpecialBusinessObjectAction |
Moves as special a business object to another business object.
MoveSpecialBusinessObjectActionVisual |
MplsConnectionDefinition |
Instances of this class represent the details of a MPLSLink (logical connection)
and the resources associated to the physical an logical endpoints of such connection.
MplsDashboard |
MPLS Main Dashboard.
MplsLayout |
The general layout to be used in the MPLS module.
MplsManagerUI |
Main for the MPLS module.
MplsModule |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to the MPLS module.
MplsService |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to the MPLS module
MplsTools |
Component with a set of tools available to work in an Mpls view
MplsView |
Custom view implementation for MPLS view module with a mxgraph component as canvas.
MultipleMirrorEditor |
Component to edit multiple mirrors.
MultipleMirrorManagerComponent |
Component to manage multiple mirrors.
MultipleMirrorPortsFunction |
Implements the multiple-mirror(a, b) function,
Generates one input port and n output ports between a and b .
MxBusinessObjectEdge |
MxGraph Business Object wrapper
MxBusinessObjectNode |
MxGraph Business Object wrapper
MxGraphCanvas<N,E> |
Wrapper to manage mxgraph instance and his objects
MxGraphGeometryEditor |
Basic component to edit mxCells geometry
MxGraphJpgExporter |
Implements the logic to export a formatted byte array of the given graph.
MxProcessInstanceDiagramProvider |
Implements the Process Instance Diagram Provider using mxGraph.
MxSymbolActivityNode |
MxTaskActivityNode |
NavigationLayout |
Default layout for the navigation-related modules.
NavigationModule |
The definition of the Navigation module
NavigationTree<T extends InventoryObjectNode> |
Component to navigate through the relationships of the inventory objects.
NavigationUI |
Main entry point to the navigation module.
NavResultGrid<T> |
Holds a set of objects of the same class name in the navigation module
NavTreeGrid<T extends AbstractNode> |
A tree grid that extends the features of the Tree Grid and makes use of the
Nodes API also allows a custom data provider (with treeData) to facilitate
the single node refreshing and lazy loading per level,
Warning: still has no pagination!
NetworkInterface |
An entity class that represents a network interface that can be used in a bridge domain
NetworkResourceChangeEvent |
The network resource event, useful to detect any change in the selection of a network resource.
NetworkResourceSelector |
Network resource selector.
NetworkResourcesExplorer |
An explorer that allows the user to see the network resources of a service and be able to release them.
NetworkResourcesRelationshipManagementAction |
Handles the relationships between network resources and services.
NetworkResourcesWidget |
Shows the network resources related to a service.
NewAttributeAction |
Creates a new Attribute
NewAttributeVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new Attribute action
NewBulkTemplateItemAction |
Creates a multiple template items.
NewBulkTemplateItemVisualAction |
Creates multiple items in a template.
NewBulkTemplateSpecialItemAction |
Creates multiple special items in a template.
NewBulkTemplateSpecialItemVisualAction |
Visual front end to create multiple template items in a template
NewBusinessObjectAction |
Creates a single business object.
NewBusinessObjectFromTemplateAction |
Create a business object from a template.
NewBusinessObjectFromTemplateVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object from template action.
NewBusinessObjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
NewClassAction |
Creates a new Class
NewClassReportAction |
Creates a class level report (a report that is associated to a particular object type -also known as class-).
NewClassReportVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new class report action.
NewClassVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new class action.
NewConfigurationVariableAction |
Creates a new Configuration Variable.
NewConfigurationVariablesPoolAction |
Creates a new Configuration Variables Pool.
NewConfigurationVariablesPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new configuration variable pool action.
NewConfigurationVariableVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new configuration variable action.
NewContactAction |
Creates a new contact
NewContactForCustomerAction |
Creates a new contact for customer.
NewContactVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new contact action.
NewContractAction |
Creates a new Contract.
NewContractsPoolAction |
Creates a new Contracts Pool.
NewContractsPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new contracts pool action.
NewContractVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new contract action.
NewCustomerAction |
Creates a new customer.
NewCustomerPoolAction |
Creates a new customer pool.
NewCustomerPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new customer pool action.
NewCustomerVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new customer action that provides means to choose the service pool and type.
NewFavoriteAction |
Creates a new favorite folder.
NewFavoriteVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new favorite action.
NewFilterDefinitionAction |
Create a new Filter definition.
NewFilterDefinitionVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new filter definition action.
NewFolderAction |
Creates a new folder that will contains subnets op IP addresses
NewFolderVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
NewGroupAction |
Creates a new Group
NewGroupVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a group action.
NewInventoryReportAction |
Creates a new inventory Report
NewInventoryReportVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new inventory report action.
NewLayoutViewAction |
Creates a new layout View
NewLayoutViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new layout view action
NewLicenseAction |
Creates a license.
NewLicensePoolAction |
Creates a new license pool.
NewLicensePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new license pool action.
NewLicenseVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
NewLinkAction |
Action to create a new link connected to the connection source and target.
NewLinkCellComponent |
New link as cell component.
NewLinkFromContainerTemplateAction |
Action to create a new link using a container template.
NewListTypeItemAction |
Creates a new List Type item.
NewListTypeItemVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new list type item action.
NewLogicalCircuitAction |
Action to create a new logical circuit.
NewLogicalCircuitModule |
Creates new logic circuits given the type and the endpoints
NewLogicalCircuitVisualAction |
Action to create a new logical circuit.
NewMirrorAction |
Action to create a mirror given the type (single or multiple)
NewMplsViewAction |
Creates a new MPLS View
NewMplsViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new MPLS view action
NewMultipleBusinessObjectsAction |
Create bulk business objects from a pattern.
NewMultipleBusinessObjectsVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create bulk business objects action.
NewMultipleSpecialBusinessObjectsAction |
Create bulk special business objects from a pattern.
NewMultipleSpecialBusinessObjectsVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create bulk business objects action.
NewParameterAction |
Creates a new report parameter
NewParameterVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new report parameter action.
NewPhysicalConnectionWizard |
A wizard that given two initial objects, guides the user through the creation of a physical connection (link or container)
NewPhysicalConnectionWizard |
A wizard that given two initial objects, guides the user through the creation of a physical connection (link or container)
NewPoolAction |
Creates a new Pool
NewPoolItemAction |
Creates a new pool item
NewPoolItemVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new pool item action
NewPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new pool action
NewProcessInstanceWindow |
Window to create a process instance
NewProjectAction |
Creates a new Project.
NewProjectActivityAction |
Creates a new Activity.
NewProjectActivityVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new activity action.
NewProjectsPoolAction |
Creates a new Projects Pool.
NewProjectsPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new projects pool action.
NewProjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new project action.
NewProxiesPoolAction |
Creates a new proxies pool
NewProxiesPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new proxies pool action.
NewProxyAction |
Creates a new proxy
NewProxyVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new proxy action.
NewScheduleJobAction |
Create a new Schedule Job.
NewScheduleJobPoolAction |
Create a new Schedule Job Pools.
NewScheduleJobPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new schedule job pool action.
NewScheduleJobVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new schedule job action.
NewScriptedQueryAction |
Creates a new Scripted Query
NewScriptedQueryPoolAction |
Creates a new Pool
NewScriptedQueryPoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new pool action
NewScriptedQueryVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new scripted query action
NewSDHContainerLinkWizard |
Wizard component to create transport links (Structured VC4)
NewSDHTransportLinkWizard |
Wizard component to create transport links (STMX)
NewSDHTributaryLinkWizard |
Wizard component to create tributary links (VC12, VC3, Unstructured VC4)
NewSdhViewAction |
Creates a new sdh View
NewSdhViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new SDH view action
NewServiceAction |
Creates a new service.
NewServiceFromTemplateAction |
Creates a new service from template.
NewServiceFromTemplateVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new service from template.
NewServicePoolAction |
Creates a new service pool.
NewServicePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new service pool action.
NewServiceVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new customer action that provides means to choose the service pool and type.
NewSparePartAction |
Creates a new Object in Spare Pool.
NewSparePartVisulaAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new object action.
NewSparePoolAction |
Creates a new Spare Pool.
NewSparePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new spare pool action.
NewSpecialBusinessObjectAction |
Creates a single business object as a special object (as in the special containment hierarchy).
NewSpecialBusinessObjectFromTemplateAction |
Create a business object from a template as a special child.
NewSpecialBusinessObjectFromTemplateVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new special business object from template action.
NewSpecialBusinessObjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new special business object action.
NewSpecialRelationshipAction |
Creates a new special relationship.
NewSpecialRelationshipVisualAction |
UI of new special relationship action.
NewSubnetAction |
Creates a new subnet
NewSubnetVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
NewSyncDataSourceConfigurationAction |
Create a new sync data source configuration.
NewSyncDataSourceConfigurationVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of configure data source.
NewSyncGroupAction |
Create a new sync data source configuration.
NewSyncGroupVisualAction |
This class represents a visual action for creating or editing synchronization groups.
NewTaskAction |
Creates a new task.
NewTaskParameterAction |
Creates a new task parameter
NewTaskParameterVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new task parameter action.
NewTaskUserAction |
Add a new task user
NewTaskUserVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of subscribe a new task user action.
NewTaskVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new task action.
NewTemplateAction |
Creates a new template.
NewTemplateItemAction |
Creates a new template item.
NewTemplateItemVisualAction |
Adds a new template item in a template.
NewTemplateSpecialItemAction |
Creates a new template special item.
NewTemplateSpecialItemVisualAction |
Adds a new special template item.
NewTemplateVisualAction |
Create a new template.
NewTopologyViewAction |
Creates a new topology View
NewTopologyViewVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new topology view action
NewUserAction |
Creates a new user
NewUserVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new user action.
NewValidatorDefinitionAction |
Create a new validator definition.
NewValidatorDefinitionVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new validator definition action.
NewWarehouseAction |
Creates a new warehouse.
NewWarehouseVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new warehouse action.
NoCommercialModuleFoundException |
Raised when a commercial module can not be found
NoOpSchedulingConfiguration |
If Spring TaskScheduler is disabled from spring.scheduler.enabled in false, this No operation scheduler is returned.
NoOpTaskScheduler |
Instance of NoOpSchedulingConfiguration when disabled from spring.scheduler.enabled in false, this No operation scheduler is returned.
NotAuthorizedException |
Raised when an user is not allowed to perform an operation
NotificationConnectionException |
Exception thrown when it is not possible to establish a session for sending notifications.
NotificationException |
Exception thrown when a notification process cannot be performed in the notification module.
NotificationMessageException |
Exception thrown when message parameters are invalid
NotificationParamsException |
Exception thrown when the parameters necessary for sending notifications are not found.
NotificationService |
Contains the necessary methods to implement in the notification service.
NotificationServiceImpl |
Performs the implementation of the email notification service.
NotificationStrategyFactory |
NotificationStrategyInterface |
Contains the methods of sending notifications to one or more recipients.
NotificationType |
Represents several types of notifications
NotificationTypeException |
Exception thrown when the type of notification to be used is not known.
NullObject |
NumericFilter |
NumericSequence |
Class to get an ascending numeric sequence, given the start and end of the sequence
ObjectCellComponent |
An object as a cell component shows the name and class of the object parent and the object.
ObjectChildrenProvider |
Custom provider for object children that extends of InventoryObjectNodeTreeProvider.
ObjectComponent |
An object as a component shows the name and class of the object parent and the object.
ObjectDashboard |
The main object editing interface.
ObjectGraphMappingService |
Provides methods to map nodes into Java objects, mostly BusinessObject and BusinessObjectLight instances.
ObjectLinkObjectDefinition |
Instances of this class represent a structure object-(endpoint)-link-(endpoint)-object
a set of this objects represents the complete structure of an end to end view
ObjectList |
Wrapper of GenericObjectList
ObjectMultipleProperty |
Support for multiple object properties
ObjectMxNode |
Represents an attributeMetadata object linked to any mxgraphCell
ObjectMxNodeMap |
ObjectOptionsPanel |
A side panel composed by set of sections with detailed information and options
on an object.
ObjectOptionsWindow |
Wrapper Window to the ObjectOptionsPanel
ObjectProperty |
Support for object properties.
ObjectProperty.ListTypeObject |
ObjectRenderer |
Object Component Renderer.
ObjectSelectorWindow |
Window to select a object.
ObjectView |
View for object view representation
ObjectViewWidget |
OlEdgeHelper |
Helper to draw a edge on open layers
OlEdgeSelectionManager |
OlNodeSelectionManager |
OlPathSelectionHelper |
Path selection helper.
OnlyPortsFilter |
OperationNotPermittedException |
Thrown when a certain operation can't be performed because a system restriction or illegal state
OsmProvider |
Map provider implementation for the OpenStreetMap tile server.
OspConstants |
Set of constants used in the Outside Plant Module
OspLocationView |
View to Outside Plant Locations (manholes, hand holes, etc.)
OutsidePlantAccordion |
Set of panels to work in the Outside Plant View.
OutsidePlantExternalServicesProvider |
OutsidePlantManagerDashboard |
The visual entry point to the Outside Plant Module.
OutsidePlantManagerLayout |
General layout for this module.
OutsidePlantManagerModule |
Outside plant module definition.
OutsidePlantManagerUI |
Main for the outside plant manager module.
OutsidePlantRestController |
Outside Plant Rest Controller.
OutsidePlantRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for outside plant manager.
OutsidePlantService |
Service to manage the persistence operations in the Outside Plant Manager
OutsidePlantView |
Graphically displays Outside Plant elements on a map.
PaperDialogAddObject |
PaperDialogAddObject |
PaperDialogAddObject |
PaperDialogSearchObject |
PaperDialogSearchObject |
PaperDialogSearchObject |
PaperSlider |
PaperSlider.SliderValueChangingEvent |
ParallelActivityDefinition |
Representation of a BPMN flow object -Parallel Gateway-
ParameterItemDataSource |
ParentFilter |
PathChangedEvent |
Path Changed Event to add/fire in the Outside Plant View.
PathChangedEvent.PathChangedEventListener |
PathSelectionHelper |
Path selection helper.
PdfReport |
A report in PDF format.
PersistenceService |
This service manages the life cycle of the connection to the database and the rest of
services that connect to the database.
PersistenceService.EXECUTION_STATE |
PersistenceUtil |
PhysicalConnectionRestController |
Physical Connection Rest Controller.
PhysicalConnectionRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for physical connections.
PhysicalConnectionsModule |
Provides tools and services that allow the creation of physical connections (optical, electrical and power-related).
PhysicalConnectionsService |
Service to manage the physical connections
PhysicalConnectionsUtil |
PhysicalPathView |
View for graphic visualization of physical Path
PhysicalPathViewWidget |
PhysicalPathViewWindow |
PhysicalTreeView |
View for graphic visualization of physical tree.
PhysicalTreeViewWidget |
PhysicalTreeViewWindow |
PollResult |
The result of polling a given sync data source
Pool |
A POJO representation of a pool.
PoolConfigurationDialog |
Visual wrapper of create a new configuration variable pool action.
PoolContractDialog |
Visual wrapper of manage contract pool action.
PoolDashboard |
A general purpose pool dashboard that allows to set the name and description of pools.
PoolGrid |
Represents a grid of inventory object pools for displaying data in a UI.
PoolItemGrid |
Represents a grid of business objects (pool items) for displaying data in a UI.
PoolItemProvider |
Data provider for business objects (pool items) that handles loading and accessing data.
PoolNode |
Represents a root node in the scripts tree.
PoolProvider |
Data provider for inventory object pools that handles loading and accessing data.
PoolProxiesDialog |
Visual wrapper of create a new proxy variable pool action.
PoolsLayout |
The standard layout to be applied in this module.
PoolsModule |
The definition of the Pools module
PoolsUI |
Main for Pools.
PopupAction |
All modules that open as a window should implement this interface.
PortComponent |
Component to represent a port
PortNode |
Class to port node in the splice box
PortSelector |
Port selector.
PortSummaryAction |
Action to show port summary
PortSummaryVisualAction |
Widget that shows the port summary for an inventory object.
PortTemplateNode |
Represents a port in template manager module TreeGrid editor for template
PortUtilityService |
Provides methods related with ports operations, like mirring ports, naming standariotation
PositionChangedEvent |
Position Changed Event to add/fire in the Outside Plant View
PositionChangedEvent.PositionChangedEventListener |
PossibleChildComponent |
Represents a possible children as a visual component in the containment manager module
Privilege |
A privilege is composed by a string token (unique id of the module or method
the privilege refers to, for example "nav-tree" or "create-object") and a number
that specifies the access level (see ACCESS_LEVEL* for possible values)
PrivilegeInfo |
Wrapper for entity class Privilege.
PrivilegeList |
ProcessDefinition |
Wraps the definition of a process.
ProcessDefinitionDiagram |
UI diagram to process diagram.
ProcessDefinitionDiagramProvider<T> |
Provides a process definition diagram
ProcessDefinitionLoader |
ProcessDiagramUi |
Manages a process instance using the process diagram.
ProcessEditorLayout |
Layout for the process editor module.
ProcessEditorModule |
Process editor module definition.
ProcessEditorUI |
Main UI for the process editor
ProcessInstance |
The representation of a a running process
ProcessInstanceDebugWindow |
Window to provide a set of tools to debug a process instance.
ProcessInstanceDiagram |
UI diagram to process instance.
ProcessInstanceEditorWindow |
ProcessInstanceTimeline |
Class to build a process instance timeline.
ProcessManagerLayout |
Layout for the process manager module.
ProcessManagerModule |
Process manager module definition.
ProcessManagerService |
Service to manage the process definitions, process instances, activity definitions, and artifacts
ProcessManagerUI |
Main UI for the process manager
ProcessRestController |
Process Manager Rest Controller.
ProcessRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for process manager.
ProcessRuntimeRestController |
Set the resources to manage the process runtime.
ProcessTimelineUi |
Shows the process instance timeline.
ProgressBroadcaster |
Broadcaster for synchronization dialog
ProgressViewDialog |
A custom dialog for displaying progress and results of a synchronization job.
Project |
Represents a project in the inventory address book.
ProjectActivityDialog |
Visual wrapper of manage project activity action.
ProjectPoolDialog |
Visual wrapper of manage project pool action.
ProjectRestController |
Projects Rest Controller.
ProjectRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for contract manager.
ProjectsLayout |
The definition of the Projects layout.
ProjectsModule |
The definition of the Projects module.
ProjectsService |
The service that provides the actual functionality exposed by this module.
ProjectsUI |
Main for the Projects Module.
PropertyChangeListener |
PropertyFactory |
A factory class that builds property sets given business objects.
PropertySheet |
An embeddable property sheet.
PropertySheet.IPropertyValueChangedListener |
PropertyValueConverter |
class used to transform the value of certain properties in the database format that are stored
ProviderRegistry |
All providers must be registered here at startup.
ProxyManagerLayout |
General layout for proxies module.
ProxyManagerModule |
The definition of the Proxy Manager module.
ProxyManagerService |
Service to manage proxies.
ProxyManagerUI |
Main for the Proxy Manager module.
QueriesLayout |
The standard layout to be applied in this module.
QueriesModule |
The definition of the Queries module
QueriesRestController |
Queries Rest Controller.
QueriesRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for queries.
QueriesUI |
Main for Queries.
Query |
Represents a query designed using the client and having XML as format
RackView |
Rack view, shows the front view of the rack the way it should look like in the real world.
RackViewWidget |
Shows the object view of the given business Object
RawReport |
A report that receives raw text and returns its corresponding bytes.
ReferenceSnmpEntPhysicalTableResourceDefinition |
Contains the OIDs that will be retrieved from the agent for this reference implementation.
ReferenceSnmpSyncProvider |
Synchronization provider to SNMP agents
This class implement the logic to connect with a group of SNMP agents to
retrieve the data and compare the differences with the management objects
RelateIpToNetworkInterfaceAction |
Action relates an IP address to a network interface (communications port).
RelateIpToNetworkInterfaceVisualAction |
Action to connect inventory objects with the class which is subclasses of
RelateNetworkResourceToServiceAction |
Relate the network resources to the services.
RelateNetworkResourceToServiceVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate service to network resources action.
RelateObjectToContactAction |
Relate inventory objects to contacts
RelateObjectToContactVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
RelateObjectToContractAction |
Relate the objects to the contracts.
RelateObjectToContractVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
RelateObjectToFavoritesFolderAction |
Relate an object to a favorite folder.
RelateObjectToFavoritesFolderVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
RelateObjectToProjectAction |
Relate the objects to the projects.
RelateObjectToProjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
RelateObjectToServiceAction |
Relate the objects to the services.
RelateObjectToServiceVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
RelatePortToVlanAction |
Relate the ports to a VLAN.
RelatePortToVlanVisualAction |
Front-end to the relate port to VLAN action.
RelateToLicenseAction |
An action to relate objects (initially GenericCommunicationElement instances)
RelateToLicenseVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of relate object action.
RelateToVisualAction |
The generic action that serves to launch all the relate-to actions on
a given inventory object.
RelationshipExplorer |
An explorer that allows the user to see the relationships of an inventory object.
RelationshipExplorerNode |
A node that represents the business object and his relationships
RelationshipExplorerNode.RelationshipExplorerNodeType |
RelationshipExplorerNodeProvider |
Custom provider for relationship explorer.
RelationshipExplorerNodeTreeGrid<T extends RelationshipExplorerNode> |
This class extends TreeGrid and is used to display hierarchical data in the form of a tree.
RelationshipExplorerNodeTreeProvider |
Provider given for relationship explorer node type navigation tree.
RelationshipManagementRegistry |
All actions aimed to relate two or more inventory objects or to release the relationships
between them should be registered in the respective registries offered by this service.
RelationshipManagementVisualAction |
Merges the former Relate To.../Release From...
ReleaseFromAction |
Release a business object from another business object.
ReleaseFromVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of the action of release an object from another object.
ReleaseIpAddrFromNetworkInterfaceAction |
Action relates an IP address to a network interface (communications port).
ReleaseIpAddrFromNetworkInterfaceVisualAction |
Action to connect inventory objects with the class which is subclasses of
ReleaseLicenseAction |
Releases a license.
ReleaseLicenseVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release license action.
ReleaseMultipleSpecialRelationshipAction |
Releases an object from all related objects with a specific relationship name
ReleaseMultipleSpecialRelationshipVisualAction |
ReleaseObjectAction |
Release the objects associated to a proxy.
ReleaseObjectFromContactAction |
Release inventory objects from contacts
ReleaseObjectFromContactVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release object action.
ReleaseObjectFromContractAction |
Release the objects related to a contract.
ReleaseObjectFromContractVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release object action.
ReleaseObjectFromFavoritesFolderAction |
Release an object from a favorite folder.
ReleaseObjectFromFavoritesFolderVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release object action.
ReleaseObjectFromProjectAction |
Release the objects associated to a project.
ReleaseObjectFromProjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release object action.
ReleaseObjectFromServiceAction |
Release the objects associated from service.
ReleaseObjectFromServiceVisualAction |
Front-end to the release object from service action.
ReleaseObjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release object action.
ReleasePortFromVlanAction |
Release the ports associated from VLAN.
ReleasePortFromVlanVisualAction |
Front-end to the release port from VLAN action.
ReleaseProjectAction |
Release the projects associated to a proxy.
ReleaseProjectVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release project action.
ReleaseRelationshipAction |
Releases a relationship "licenseHas".
ReleaseRelationshipVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release relationship action.
ReleaseSpecialRelationshipAction |
Releases a business object from another business object.
ReleaseSpecialRelationshipVisualAction |
UI of release special relationship action.
ReleaseSyncDataSourceConfigurationAction |
Release Sync Data Source Configuration.
ReleaseSyncDataSourceConfigurationVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release Synchronization Data Source Configuration action.
RelTypes |
Possible relationship types
RemoteActivityDefinition |
wrapper of ActivityDefinition.
RemoteActor |
Wrapper of org.neotropic.kuwaiba.core.apis.persistence.application.process.Actor .
RemoteArtifact |
Wrapper of org.neotropic.kuwaiba.core.apis.persistence.application.process.Artifact .
RemoteArtifactDefinition |
Wrapper of org.neotropic.kuwaiba.core.apis.persistence.application.process.ArtifactDefinition .
RemoteAssetLevelCorrelatedInformation |
Groups an inventory object and the services (and corresponding services) somehow related to it.
RemoteAttributeMetadata |
This is a wrapper class for AttributeMetadata, containing the info required for the clients
to render the object attributes in the right way
RemoteBackgroundJob |
Wrapper of BackgroundJob
RemoteBusinessRule |
Wrapper of BusinessRule
RemoteBusinessRuleConstraint |
The actual logic behind a business rule.
RemoteClassMetadata |
This is a wrapper class for ClassMetadata, containing the info required for
the clients to render the object attributes in the right way
RemoteClassMetadataLight |
Same as ClassInfo, but lighter, since it's intended to provide the information to
render a node in a view (usually a tree) at client side.
RemoteConditionalActivityDefinition |
RemoteConfigurationVariable |
RemoteContact |
RemoteFavoritesFolder |
Wrapper for entity class favoritesFolder
RemoteFileObject |
Wrapper of FileObject.
RemoteFileObjectLight |
Wrapper of FileObjectLight.
RemoteInventoryProxy |
A wrapper of InventoryProxy.
RemoteKpi |
Wrapper of KPI
RemoteKpiAction |
Wrapper of KPI Action
RemoteKpiResult |
RemoteLogicalConnectionDetails |
Instances of this class represent the details of a logical connection and the physical resources associated to the endpoints of such connection.
RemoteMPLSConnectionDetails |
Instances of this class represent the details of a mpls link (a logical connection)
and the resources associated to the endpoints of such connection.
RemoteObject |
Instances of this class are proxies that represents the entities in the database.
RemoteObjectLight |
This class is a simple representation of an object.
RemoteObjectLightList |
This class represents a list of RemoteObjectLight instances.
RemoteObjectLinkObject |
Instances of this class represent a structure object-(endpoint)-link-(endpoint)-object
a set of this objects represents the complete structure of an end to end view
RemoteObjectRelatedObjects |
Wraps the object and objects related with it so a Hashmap doesn't have to be used
RemoteObjectSpecialRelationships |
Wraps the special relationships of an object so a Hashmap doesn't have to be used
RemoteParallelActivityDefinition |
This is just an Parallel Activity Definition wrapper
RemotePhysicalConnectionDetails |
Instances of this class represent the details of a physical connection and the complete structure of both sides
This information is useful to build reports and end-to-end views
RemotePool |
Wrapper for a simple pool
RemoteProcessDefinition |
Wrapper of ProcessDefinition.
RemoteProcessInstance |
Wrapper of ProcessInstance.
RemoteQuery |
Wrapper for entity.queries.ExtendedQuery class.
RemoteQueryLight |
Simple version of RemoteQuery
RemoteReportMetadata |
An application report.
RemoteReportMetadataLight |
A simplified representation of a ProfilingParseRunner.Report .
RemoteResultMessage |
The result of a task execution
RemoteResultRecord |
This is a record in a query result.
RemoteSDHContainerLinkDefinition |
Wrapper of SDHContainerLinkDefinition
RemoteSDHPosition |
Wrapper of SDHPosition
RemoteServiceLevelCorrelatedInformation |
Groups a customer and the services associated to it that are related somehow to an interface/device
provided in the getAffectedServices method.
RemoteSession |
Represents the information to be exchanged when a call to createSeesion is successful.
RemoteSyncAction |
An instance of this class define an action to be performed upon a sync finding
RemoteSyncFinding |
This class represents a single result from comparing the info from a sync data
source and the corresponding information in the inventory database
RemoteSynchronizationConfiguration |
Wrapper of SynchronizationDataSourceConfiguration
RemoteSynchronizationGroup |
Wrapper of SynchronizationGroup
RemoteSynchronizationProvider |
Represents a synchronization provider
RemoteSyncResult |
Instances of this class are intended to inform about the results of a synchronization process.
RemoteTask |
Remote representation of a task
RemoteTaskNotificationDescriptor |
Describes how the results of a task should be notified to the users associated to it
RemoteTaskResult |
The result of a task execution
RemoteTaskScheduleDescriptor |
Describes when a task should be scheduled and executed
RemoteTemplateObject |
A wrapper of #
RemoteTemplateObjectLight |
A wrapper of #TemplateObjectLight
RemoteUserInfo |
Wrapper for entity class User
RemoteUserInfoLight |
Wrapper for entity class UserProfile.
RemoteValidator |
Validators are flags indicating things about objects.
RemoteValidatorDefinition |
Represents the configuration of a validator.
RemoteViewObject |
This is a wrapper class for the entity class ViewObject (see Persistence Abstraction Layer API docs for details).
RemoteViewObjectLight |
This is a wrapper class for the entity class ViewObjectLight (see Persistence Abstraction Layer API docs for details).
ReportMetadata |
An application report.
ReportMetadataLight |
A simplified representation of a Report .
ReportNode |
Represents a node in the reports tree.
ReportRestController |
The definition of the Report Rest Controller.
ReportRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for reports.
ReportsLayout |
The standard layout to be applied in this module.
ReportsModule |
The definition of the Report module
ReportsUI |
Main for Reporting.
ResourceFactory |
A factory class that builds and/or caches resources (mostly icons and backgrounds).
RestConstants |
Set of constants to use in the REST Controllers.
RestUtil |
Set of methods to use in the REST Controllers
ResultMessage |
The result of a task execution
ResultMessageProvider |
Data provider for messages from a given task result.
ResultRecord |
Represents a single record resulting from a query.
ResultRecordParser |
Transforms the given list of result records to a new matrix
ResultScriptedQueryParser |
Transforms the given list of result records to a new matrix
RightClickEvent |
Right Click Event to add/fire in the Outside Plant View.
RightClickEvent.RightClickEventListener |
RightClickEventDispatcher |
Dispatches the right click event.
Route |
Router |
Entity class that represents a Cisco's bridge domain
Runner |
Executes a function which return something
RunSingleSynchronizationVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release Synchronization Data Source Configuration action.
RunSynchronizationAction |
Run Synchronization
RunSynchronizationVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of release Synchronization Data Source Configuration action.
ScheduleController |
ScheduleJobAction |
Schedule a job
ScheduleJobPoolConfigurationDialog |
Visual wrapper to manage schedule job pools actions.
ScheduleJobs |
Class representing a scheduled job in Kuwaiba
ScheduleJobsPoolsPostRequestBody |
ScheduleJobsPostRequestBody |
ScheduleJobsPutRequestBody |
ScheduleJobsSubscribeUserPostRequestBody |
ScheduleJobVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of schedule job action
SchedulingLayout |
The definition of the Scheduling layout.
SchedulingModule |
The definition of the Scheduling Jobs module.
SchedulingService |
This is the entity in charge of manipulating jobs
SchedulingServiceImpl |
A service that manages the execution of schedule tasks, most likely related to
maintenance, report generation or inventory synchronization.
SchedulingSpringConfiguration |
The class that contains the scheduler configuration that provides jobs scheduling capabilities.
SchedulingUI |
ScriptedQueriesPool |
A scripted queries pool is the parent of a set of scripted queries.
ScriptedQuery |
Query which execute a script that can be simple script or use database queries
and the Persistence API to get a result.
ScriptedQueryParameter |
A script parameter is a name and value pair to be processed on the execute
of the script in the ScriptingQuery#getScript() .
ScriptedQueryResult |
A script query result its the return of the execute of a ScriptingQuery#getScript()
ScriptNode |
Represents a node in the scripts tree.
ScriptNotCompiledException |
Filters and Validators work with Groovy scripts that are instantiated, and
precompile this exception is thrown if something happens if the instance
cannot be created by reflection
ScriptQueryExecutor |
Implements and allows to execute default functions for the process engine
within the elements of type script in the Form Artifact Definition
ScriptQueryExecutorImpl |
Implementation of a set of functions executed in the process definition.
ScriptQueryRunner |
SdhContainerLinkDefinition |
Instances of this class define a container
SdhDashboard |
SDH Main Dashboard.
SdhLayout |
The general layout to be used in the SDH module.
SdhManagerUI |
Main for the SDH module.
SdhModule |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to the SDH module
SdhPosition |
It's a simple class representing a single position used by a container within a transport link
SdhService |
Service to manage SDH Networks.
SdhTools |
Component with a set of tools available to work in an SDH view
SdhTributaryLinkDefinition |
Instances of this class define a tributary link
SdhView |
Custom view implementation for SDH module with a mxgraph component as canvas.
SearchInventaryObject |
SearchObjectSelector |
Custom search component for the topology manager.
SelectContainerLinkAction |
Select an existing link in an existing container.
SelectionListener<O> |
Implementors of this interface listen for selection events on lists, views and explorers
SelectLinkAction |
Select an existing link
SelectorsUtils |
Set of methods to use in selectors.
ServerSideException |
Generic exception to encapsulate any expected or unexpected error.
ServerStatus |
It's the public server status
ServiceDashboardFactory |
A factory class to build Service Manager dashboards as an strategy to avoid carrying around the XEMs and the translation service.
ServiceLevelCorrelatedInformation |
Groups a customer and the services associated to it that are related somehow to an interface/device
provided in the getAffectedServices method.
ServiceManagerLayout |
The layout used in this module.
ServiceManagerModule |
Manage customers, services and their relationships with network resources.
ServiceManagerService |
Service to manage services.
ServiceManagerUI |
Main for the service manager module.
ServiceManTree<T> |
Custom template for treegrid row
ServiceManTreeNode |
Nodes to display the service manager tree grid explorer
ServiceRestController |
Service Manager Rest Controller.
ServiceRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for service manager.
Session |
Represents a single user session
SessionManagerLayout |
General layout for this module.
SessionManagerModule |
List, lock-out and kill sessions and send broadcast messages between them.
SessionManagerUI |
Session manager UI entry point.
SessionRestController |
Session Manager Rest Controller.
SessionRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for session manager.
ShowMoreInformationAction |
Window to show more information about an object.
SimpleNotification |
Default implementation of a notification component.
SingleMirrorEditor |
Component to edit single mirrors.
SingleMirrorManagerComponent |
Component to manage single mirrors.
SliderMxGraphZoom |
Custom slider control for mxgraph zoom
SnmpBgpLocalResourceDefinition |
This class contains the oids that will be retrieved from the agent
for the BGP synchronization.
SnmpBgpResourceDefinition |
This class contains the oids that will be retrieved from the agent
for the BGP addresses synchronization.
SnmpCiscoVlansSyncProvider |
SnmpDataEntry |
SNMP data entry configuration
SnmpifXTableResocurceDefinition |
Oids that will be retrieved from the agent for
SnmpIPResourceDefinition |
This class contains the oids that will be retrieved from the agent for
the IP addresses synchronization.
SnmpManager |
A SNMP Manager is a client of an SNMP agent which consume the information given
by the agent, and transform the data to be manage like java objects
SnmpTableData |
SnmpTableData.EntPhysicalEntry |
SnmpVlanTrunkPortsTableResourceDefinition |
SnmpvmMembershipTableResourceDefinition |
SnmpVtpVlanTableResourceDefinition |
List of VLANs configured in a switch
SoftwareManagerLayout |
The definition of the Software Manager layout.
SoftwareManagerModule |
The definition of the Software Manager module.
SoftwareManagerService |
The class providing the business logic for this module.
SoftwareManagerUI |
Main for the Software Manager module.
SoftwareObjectNode |
Nodes to display the software tree grid explorer.
SoftwareRestController |
Software Manager Rest Controller.
SoftwareRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for software manager.
SpecialChildrenExplorer |
An explorer that allows the user to see the special children of an inventory object.
SpecialChildrenNode |
A node that represents a special children.
SpecialObjectChildrenProvider |
Custom provider for object special children that extends of InventoryObjectNodeTreeProvider.
SpliceBoxView |
View for graphic visualization of splice box equipment
SpliceBoxViewWidget |
SpliceBoxViewWindow |
SplicingDevicePortSummaryVisualAction |
Widget that shows the port summary for an inventory object.
SplitSubnetAction |
Creates a new subnet
SplitSubnetVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of a new business object action.
SpringConfiguration |
The Spring basic automated configuration file.
StringFilter |
StringPair |
A StringPair mimics the behavior of a HashSet<String, String> entry, but with a webservice-friendly implementation.
StringProperty |
Support for String like properties
SubClassesLightNoRecursiveProvider |
Provider given for class metadata node type.
SubnetDetail |
Represents an IPv4 or IPv6 subnet it also used to holds the subnet details
after subneting calculation with the ipam engine, details like range,
number of hosts, etc
SyncAction |
An instance of this class define an action to be performed upon a sync finding
SyncDataSourceCommonParameters |
Basically a hash-map that stores a set of configuration parameters
that will be used by the sync provider
SyncDataSourceConfiguration |
Basically a hash-map that stores a set of configuration parameters
that will be used by the sync provider
SyncDataSourceConfigurationPropertySheet |
A class that build property sets given sync data source configurations.
SyncDataSourceTab |
This class represents a tab for managing data sources.
SyncFinding |
This class represents a single result from comparing the info from a sync data
source and the corresponding information in the inventory database
SyncGroupPropertySheet |
A class that build property sets given sync groups.
SyncGroupTab |
A tab representing synchronization groups in the user interface.
SynchronizationGroup |
Creates a Synchronization Group.
SynchronizationLayout |
The definition of the Synchronization layout.
SynchronizationModule |
Keep you inventory up-to-date by fetching information from live sources like devices and NMS,
finding differences and dealing with them.
SynchronizationService |
The service corresponding to the Synchronization module.
SynchronizationUI |
Main for the Synchronization Module.
SyncResult |
Instances of this class are intended to inform about the results of a synchronization process.
SyncResultItem |
Instances of this class are intended to inform about the results of a synchronization process.
SyncUtil |
SyncUtil |
TableData |
Represents a simple table
Tag |
Interface that implement all the elements .
Task |
Remote representation of a task
TaskConsumerRequest |
Class used to serialize requests to be made by the consumer of the task.
TaskManagerExecutionType |
Dummy class to be used in the scheduling properties for execution type combo box
TaskManagerLayout |
The definition of the Task Manager layout.
TaskManagerModule |
The definition of the Task Manager module.
TaskManagerNotificationType |
Dummy class to be used in the notification type properties for notification type combo box
TaskManagerRenderingTools |
This class help another classes to create complex components it will show in
front end components
TaskManagerUI |
Main for the Task Manager module.
TaskNotificationDescriptor |
Describes how the results of a task should be notified to the users associated to it.
TaskNotificationDialog |
Visual wrapper of show a task notification.
TaskParametersManagerDialog |
Visual wrapper of task parameters.
TaskProperty |
Support for task properties
TaskRestController |
Task Rest Controller.
TaskRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for task manager.
TaskResult |
The result of a task execution
TaskScheduleDescriptor |
Describes when a task should be scheduled and executed.
TaskUserManagerDialog |
Visual wrapper of task users.
TemplateComponent |
A template as a component shows the template name and template class.
TemplateDataSource |
Basically a hash-map that stores a set of configuration parameters
that will be used by the sync provider
TemplateDataSourceTab |
This class represents a tab for managing template data sources.
TemplateManagerLayout |
Template layout, display main page in four resizable vertical segments.
TemplateManagerModule |
Manage pre-defined, reusable containment structures.
TemplateManagerUI |
Main UI for template manager module, initialize all display elements and business logic.
TemplateNode |
Represents a node in template manager module TreeGrid editor for template
TemplateObject |
Instances of this class represent an inventory object defined within a template.
TemplateObjectLight |
Instances of this class represent a simplified representation of an inventory object defined within a template.
TemplateRestController |
Template Rest Controller.
TemplateRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for template manager.
TerminateSessionAction |
Terminates a session.
TerminateSessionVisualAction |
TextFieldElementUi |
TextFieldElementUiItem |
ThreadingService |
A service that manages long-lived jobs, such as synchronization providers execution,
view rendering or management tasks execution.
ToogleMenuButton |
Custom button that allows toggle a given section or component in the page
TopologyDesignerDashboard |
Topology designer Main Dashboard.
TopologyDesignerLayout |
The general layout to be used in the Topology module.
TopologyDesignerModule |
This class implements the functionality corresponding to the Topology module
TopologyDesignerUI |
Main for the Topology Manager module.
TopologyView |
Custom view implementation for Topology view module with a mxgraph component as
TransientArtifact |
Every process activity has at least one artifact.
TransientQuery |
This is a representation in a code friendly flavor of a complex query.
TransientScriptedQueryParameter |
A script parameter is a name and value pair to be processed on the execute
of the script in the ScriptingQuery#getScript() .
TranslationService |
This service provides I18N support for the application
TreeLayout |
TreeLayoutNode |
A node that can be used in a tree layout
UiElementContainer |
A UI element container is a UI element that contains UI elements.
UiElementEventListener |
UiElementFactory<T> |
UnitOfLength |
Set of units of length supported
UnsupportedPropertyException |
Thrown when a certain property (usually an attribute of an application or inventory object) is not known or currently supported.
UpdateContactAction |
Updates a contact
UpdateFilterDefinitionAction |
Delete a filter definition.
UpdateFilterDefinitionVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of create a new filter definition action.
UpdateGroupAction |
Updates a group.
UpdateGroupVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of update a group action.
UpdateIpAddrAction |
updates the state or description of an IP address
UpdateSparePoolAction |
Updates a spare pool.
UpdateSparePoolVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of update a spare pool action.
UpdateTaskAction |
Updates a task.
UpdateTaskParameterAction |
Update a task parameter.
UpdateTaskParameterVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of update a task parameter action.
UpdateTaskVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of update a task action.
UpdateValidatorDefinitionAction |
Update validator definition.
UpdateValidatorDefinitionVisualAction |
Visual wrapper of update a validator definition action.
UploadAnchor |
Uploading files and adds an anchor to the uploaded file.
UserManagerLayout |
The standard layout to be applied in this module.
UserManagerModule |
The definition of the User Manager module
UserManagerUI |
Main for User Manager.
UserNode |
Represents a node in the main tree.
UserProfile |
Represents the privileges a user profile
UserProfileLight |
Base class of all classes representing application users
UserProperty |
Support for user properties
UserRestController |
User Manager Rest Controller.
UserRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for user manager.
Util |
Utility class containing misc methods to perform common tasks
Util |
Utility methods for building reports
UtilHtml |
A collection of commonly used methods to generate HTML-related content.
ValidationMessage |
Validator |
Validators are flags indicating things about objects.
ValidatorDefinition |
Represents the configuration of a validator.
ValidatorDefinitionLayout |
General layout for validator module.
ValidatorDefinitionModule |
The definition of the Validator Definition module.
ValidatorDefinitionUI |
Main for the Validator Definition module.
ValidatorRunner |
ValidatorsRestController |
The definition of the Validator Rest Controller.
ValidatorsRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for validator definition.
VariablesRestController |
Variables Rest Controller.
VariablesRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for variables.
VerticalLayoutDropTarget |
Sets a vertical layout as a drop target.
VerticalLayoutElementUi |
VerticalLayoutElementUiItem |
ViewEventListener |
Interface to be implemented by those interested in receiving notifications about events related to views.
ViewEventListener.EventType |
ViewHeatmap |
Represents a heatmap on the View.
ViewMap |
A representation of a view (which in turn a graphical representation of an inventory object or a function in the domain of the inventory system) as a set of java objects.
ViewObject |
Represents a view.
ViewObjectLight |
The light version of a ViewObject
ViewOverlayView |
Represents a overlay view on the view
ViewWidgetRegistry |
Widgets with object-related views exposed by modules are to be registered here, so they can be embedded or added to context menus at will.
ViewWindow |
Window with a title, content, and a button to close it
WarehouseManagerNode |
Represents a node in the pool items tree.
WarehouseManagerSearchQuery |
Temporary class that implements the search in the Warehouse module that shows
suggestions in the search text field
WarehouseRestController |
Warehouses Manager Rest Controller.
WarehouseRestOpenApi |
Swagger documentation for warehouses manager.
WarehousesManagerLayout |
The definition of the Warehouse manager layout.
WarehousesManagerModule |
Manages warehouses, spare parts and the workflows associated to them.
WarehousesManagerUI |
Main for the Warehouses Module.
WarehousesService |
Service to manage warehouses
WindowAddContainers |
Window to add containers in the Outside Plant View
WindowAddNodes |
Window to select a set of objects to add like a node to the Outside Plant View
WindowConnectivityManager |
Window to manage connections.
WindowContainers |
Dialog to select the parents to the wire path
WindowContainerSelector |
Window to select a container that must be a special child of one of the
container endpoints of a given location.
WindowDeleteOspView |
Dialog to confirm the delete of an outside plant view
WindowDeviceTools |
Set of tools to devices
WindowDeviceTools.Tool |
WindowDrawContainerTools |
Tools available on draw containers.
WindowEdge |
Dialog to the edge tool set
WindowExternalServices |
Window to show the external services for a business object.
WindowFavoritesManager |
Window to manage favorites folder.
WindowFiberTools |
Window to show the set of fiber tools.
WindowFiberTools.Tool |
WindowFilters |
Widows to set the Outside Plant View filters.
WindowFreePortsMirroring |
Window to mirror free ports.
WindowFreePortsMultipleMirroring |
Window to generate multiple mirror using free ports.
WindowGeographicalQueries |
Shows the set of geographical queries.
WindowGeographicalQuery |
Window to execute a geographical query.
WindowManagePortMirroring |
Window to manage port mirroring
WindowManagePortMirroring0 |
Window to manage port mirroring
WindowMap |
Window Map Tool Set
WindowMidSpanAccess |
Window to manage mid-span access and splice of links
WindowNewContainer |
Dialog to create a new container connection.
WindowNewLogicalCircuit |
Window to create a logical circuit.
WindowNewNode |
Window to create new node
WindowNewObject |
Window to show the actions to create an object.
WindowNode |
Dialog to the node tool set
WindowObjectProperties |
Window to show an object property sheet
WindowPortTools |
Set of tools to manage ports.
WindowPortTools.Tool |
WindowViewContent |
Given an object for example a manhole, and list all the devices inside
to show the views available to the device like splice box view or fiber splitter view
and when select it show the ports inside and list the views available to ports
as physical view and physical tree view.
Wizard |
A simple, general purpose wizard implementation that can be easily embedded in miniapplications and dashboard widgets
Wizard.WizardEventListener |
Interface to be implemented by all components interested in listening to the events fired by a Wizard
WrongMappingException |
This exception is raised when a pair attribute type - attribute value is not valid
XMLExporter |
Implements the logic necessary to export to XML
XMLUtil |