Users Manager

The User Manager is a module designed for managing users and groups within the application. Its features include creating new users and groups, associating or disassociating users with groups, and managing permissions for the different modules of the application.

Figure 1 illustrates the module's structure. In the application, users are organized into Groups through the BELONGS_TO_GROUP relationship, the Groups are used to simplify the management and administration of users y can contain one or more users. Each user is assigned privileges for each module individually through the HAS_PRIVILEGE relationship, this relationship represents the permissions a user has for a module.

User Structure
Figure 1. User manager structure

This module is part of the Administration category, as shown in Figure 2.

User Module
Figure 2. User manager module

Once opened, we will see the main window of the module, as shown in Figure 3. From here, we can view the groups currently created in the application.

User Main Window
Figure 3. User manager main window


Groups allow for the aggregation of users to simplify their management and administration.

Groups Actions

Creating new groups

To create a new group, use theTemplate Modulebutton in the main window of the module. This will open the group creation window, as shown in Figure 4. Here, you will need to enter the name and description of the group. It is advisable to use a descriptive name, as this will be the name displayed in the list of available groups.

Create Group Window
Figure 4. Create group window

Once created, the group will appear in the list of available groups within the application, as shown in Figure 5. From here, you can also view the users assigned to each group by clicking on it, in addition to accessing group actions.

Group List
Figure 5. Group list

Deleting groups

To delete a group, use theBtn Delete Groupsbutton found in the group actions as shown in Figure 4. This will open the group deletion window in Figure 6. Click OK to proceed with deletion or Cancel to abort.

Note Users assigned exclusively to the group being deleted will also be removed unless they are assigned to other groups.

Template Module
Figure 6. Groups delete window

Updating Groups

To edit the properties of a group, use theBtn Update Groupsbutton found in the group actions as shown in Figure 5. This will open the edit window in Figure 7, where you can enter the new values. Click OK to update the group or Cancel if you decide not to proceed.

Groups Update Window
Figure 7. Groups update window


Users Actions

Creating Users

A user consists of the following properties:

User NameThe unique identifier for the user within the application.
PasswordThe unique identifier for the user within the application.
First NameThe user's given name.
Last NameThe user's family name.
EmailThe user's email address.
User TypeThe user's type, the available types are described below
PrivilegesPrivileges a user in Kuwaiba.
EnabledFlag to enable or disable the user.
User Types
  • GUI User: Users that will access the system via desktop client or web interface.
  • Web Service Interface User: Users that will access the system via web service.
  • Southbound Interface User: Users that will access the system via automated interfaces, such as southbound interfaces or scheduled tasks.
  • System: users used by application modules to automate tasks.
  • External application: Users that will make process in externals applications.

To create a new user, they must be assigned to a group. Use theBtn UCreate Userbutton to create and assign the user to the desired group. This will open the user creation window shown in Figure 8. Fill in the fields and click OK to proceed or Cancel to abort.

Create User Window
Figure 8. Create user window

Once created, the user will be visible in the assigned users section of the group where they were created, as shown in Figure 9.

Example New User
Figure 9. Example new user

When selecting a user, the main module window will display the information, actions, and privileges related to the user, as shown in Figure 10.

User Information
Figure 10. User information

Updating Users

To update user properties, modify them using the fields shown in Figure 10. Once the desired properties have been updated, use theBtn Update Userbutton to save the changes.

It is possible to relate a user with multiple groups simultaneously. To do this, use theBtn Relate Userbutton seen in Figure 10. This will open the user relate window shown in Figure 11. In this window, select the group you wish to relate with the user and click OK. If you do not wish to proceed, click Cancel.

Related User Window
Figure 11. Related user window

Once this action is completed, the user will be visible among the assigned users of the group, as seen in Figure 12.

User Related
Figure 12. User related to new group

Remove User From Group

To remove users from a group, the user must be assigned to at least two groups, as users cannot exist without a group in the application. To perform this action, use theBtn Remove Userbutton seen in Figure 10. This will open the window to remove users from a group, as shown in Figure 13. In this window, you will see the groups to which the user is assigned. Select the group from which you want to remove the user and click OK. If you do not wish to proceed, click Cancel.

Remove User Window
Figure 13. Remove user to group window


Privileges for each module assigned to the user can be viewed and managed on the right-hand side of the user information, as shown in Figure 10. When creating a new user, no privileges are assigned by default. To assign or remove privileges, check or uncheck the privilege type in the desired module. Note that the write privilege automatically includes the read privilege. Changes take effect immediately, as show in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Privileges

To quickly assign write privileges to a user across all modules, check the All Write checkbox in Figure 15.

All Privileges
Figure 15. All privileges

Warning When assigning permissions to inexperienced users, exercise caution with the modules to which you grant privileges; improper use can potentially corrupt the database.

Deleting Users

To delete a user, use theBtn Delete Userbutton shown in Figure 10. This will open the confirmation window in Figure 16. In this window, click OK to delete the user. If you do not wish to proceed, click Cancel.

Note Deleting a user will also remove them from all assigned groups, so proceed with caution.

Delete User
***Figure 16.*Delete user confirm window